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By John Ale (Reporter)
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Wild Weather is Planet X Nibiru Precursor 2015

Monday, April 13, 2015 18:42
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(Before It's News)

By John Ale          

“Extreme Weather is Another Sign of Nibiru Planet X and the Polar Shift. The ‘whole’ story was not told in order to keep the public from connecting the dots to the ongoing Polar Shift and ultimately Nibiru Planet X. How can we know where this Nibiru is in 2015 ? And if planet x is coming in 2016 ? By Subscribing to this channel will keep you upto date on the latest events.”

SOURCE: Nibiru is Planet X 2015


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Total 8 comments
  • I know i know their will be ones who say its abunch of hogwash, crap dont believe it, etc etc. Well explain this too me: last night as i was getting pelted with hail and 60mph winds i decided too look at the national radar, and couldnt believe my eyes!! Their was a line of strong too severe thunderstorms extending from southern canada , al the way through middle usa, all the way too Mexico!!! This line of storms was over 50 too 100 miles across!!! I have been alive on this planet for 52 years, and have never seeen anything like it!! Furthermore have never heard of anything of this magnitude period!! Back in the 1980s strorms would typically form over the mountains, and get severe and pow go out over the prairie and head east. At worst i would see a line form that would be maybe 30 too 50 miles long. , not 2000 miles long!!! I could go on and on about the proofs of the existance of Nibiru, but i get tired of saying it over and over with all the de-bunkers!! LET Me just say this!!!, IT is already visible too the naked eye in many parts of the world NOW! Soon it will be UN-DENIABLE!!!! Then de-bunkers what are u going too say!! OH i know the whole world is suffering from a mass hillucination!, or its radiation creating that image that 8 billion people see!! Like Fox Mulder once said: You cant supress the truth, it will come out in the end!!!! I saw it yesturday with ny naked eye in Kansas!

    • And then, this one time, at Band Camp…….. :mrgreen:

      Pfffftttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Delusional Planet X dunderheads. [hand shaking facepalm]

    • “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.”

    • So, no telescopes on the planet or in space can see this thing, but you can somehow magically see it? Yeah, sounds legit.

  • Kansas is a bad place. You should move to a different state.

  • The passage of Nibiru has been written about in ancient texts, like the Kolbrin bible, and it creates massive destruction. A few decades ago, it was observed that the orbits of Neptune and Uranus are being perturbed by something and this gave rise to the theory that a large body in the area might be the cause. I am sure more research has been conducted regarding this phenomenon but there has been nothing but silence from governments since then.

    The storms you see may be related to Nibiru but you should also understand that the military has been developing ways to use the weather as a weapon. We the people, assigned the role of lab rats, aren’t going to be informed as to how that experiment is proceeding either.

  • There is ONLY ONE WAY, and that is through Jesus/ Yashaya. Please accept Christ into your heart and repent of your sins. Admit that you are a sinner and do everything you have within yourself to turn away from those sins. Jesus/Yashaya will not let you go once you give yourself to him. He sacrificed himself for ALL of us. Of course its not always easy.  Ephesians 6:12 ” For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.  Accecpt the way of the light, grow your faith in Christ, stand in your faith. These are the last days and WE MUST FIGHT FOR OUR SOULS! Love you ALL! GOD bless and may he have favor with us all!

  • Pix

    What extreme weather are you talking about? Earth is always subject to weather from none to extreme. There is no Nibiru planet X, planet X is a label given to all planets when they are first discovered before being given a name, usually chosen by the discoverer.

    Do they have a degrees in America for Melodrama and spewing utter BS?


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