(Before It's News)
Blowing up the past! Did you read the words *Explosions or shocking? Those Stunning news are reflected in the obvious keywords and quatrains I use to warn the world of all upcoming news.
Deciphering the cosmic hieroglyphs and assimilating the fact of a cosmic God speaking to me thought the signs is not for the envious young gullible, pious or atheist souls. But my simplified methodology makes it easy for them to recognize my ET’s predictive legacy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fuf6dOwLQw
One more day to go and the current explosive, shocking *cosmic wind is building rapidly. Share please real prophets like Dr. Turi are very rare and denied a place in the media and a wider warning voice by the controlling Iluminati!
Don’t miss anything, show your support join the movement to reinstate Divine Astrology as a solid reliable science and prove God Cosmic Divinity speaking his will through the stars!
um what about the explosions you didn’t predict?? tens of thousands of them, perhaps hundreds of thousands of them??
I’ll put a GUESS out there too,. sometime in the future, there will be a fire, someone will be shot, someone will die, someone will do something, somewhere, sometime,.. rolls eyes!