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Hot! Hot! Hot! **Major Prophecy Alert!** Turkey Just Made A New National Anthem, And It Is Dedicated To The Antichrist (Video) (Video) (Video) Hard To Believe But Here It Is!

Monday, April 13, 2015 11:27
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**Major Prophecy Alert!** Turkey Just Made A New National Anthem, And It Is Dedicated To The Antichrist


13 Apr 15


WOWZA! Folks, we are so deeply in the end times!

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan never ceases to shock, as Nero, an archetype of Antichrist wanted a new Rome, Erdoğan’s new anthem hails Erdogan himself as the reviver of a “New Turkey”. Erdoğan’s restless Antichrist spirit yesterday dedicates the anthem all with an Ottoman style performance as if reviving a wounded beast.   

“The struggle for New Turkey is our Red Apple,” Erdoğan said in reference to the lyrics in his speech. What “Red Apple” and what “New Turkey,” the lyrics says it all: “We’re in the race to be a global power Red apple New Turkey”;

…Our goal is still the big Turkey
We’re in the race to be a global power
Red apple New Turkey

Our Leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan
We got our power from Allah…
We’re trying to be super power

The name of Allah we will spread

Without ever leaving the Prophet’s way
Then we’re going to build us new Turkey …

Our goal is the new large Turkey
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Always gets his power from Allah

“Red Apple” is a symbol of Pan-Turkism and its utopian ideal denoting all Turkic  lands from Turkey to Central Asia. This is the dream of a new Sunni alliance where Turkey wants to increase their influence in all Turkic lands in Central Asia by strengthening ties with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan via the Cooperation Council of Turkic-Speaking States. These are the Turkic nations and while they are separate, they are ethnically one. MORE/SOURCE


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Total 2 comments
  • This Antichrist BS. has become more than stupid. ” He’s here, no, he is over there ,bs, there he is,look he’s hiding there, no!! look out!! he’s under my freaking bed !!!! Run away! run away! ”

    You have no credibility Jew Dilligence, but you seem to have a blind faith in your total confusion.

    You post utter BS and when you are called out you wait a day or two and then post the same lies with a different headline !

  • Pix

    Not up to your usual standard of crazy cake, but you’re doing a good job at copying the tactics of a failed politician who resorts to slandering others to distract attention away from the fact that they have done nothing and no good for anyone themselves.

    The religious factions so deserve each other. Barbarians. Can’t you do the world a favour and get your preplanned culling session over and done with already with your last battle. The meek inherit the Earth… Atheists.

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