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Thanks To The Elites, We Sit On The Cusp Of A War That Has The Potential To End Nearly All Life On Earth

Monday, October 31, 2016 2:35
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(Before It's News)

I used to wonder how these massive World Wars happened.

World War I, for instance.  The “official” story for why it happened makes absolutely no sense.  The mainstream reason for the war was because some Archduke from Austria got killed.

Then, like some bizarre drunken bar fight, tens of millions of people from dozens of different countries all were wounded or injured in the ensuing four years.

Did ANY of these tens of millions of people really care if some rich guy got killed?  Probably not.

So, what happened?  Well, like most wars backed by the financial elites, it appears they just wanted a big war.  And through the use of propaganda, fear and coercion, they somehow got tens of millions of people to butcher each other.

World War II wasn’t much different.  Germany, financed by the Bush crime family and the central banksters got into a bit of a dust-up over borders… then the US cut off oil supplies to Japan as a planned provocation to induce Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt not only knew about Pearl Harbor in advance, he was determined to allow it in order to create a much larger war.

And, four years later, over 60 million people, mostly civilians, were dead.

It all seems crazy.  Like it must have happened on a different planet.  How and why did so many people die for, what in retrospect, was nothing?

Well, unbeknownst to most, we now sit on the verge of World War III.

And, again, it’s mostly all over nothing.  Your average Russian has no desire to kill a bunch of Americans.  And your average American has no desire to kill a bunch of Russians.

But, thanks to the elites, again, we sit on the cusp of a war that has the potential to end nearly all life on Earth.

The Russian Defence Ministry has deployed  anti-aircraft S-300 and S-400 air missile systems in Syria to help protect Syrian military positions from US-coalition led airstrikes.

This means Russia has taken direct aim at US aircraft. One missile goes up and brings down an American plane and the two most heavily armed countries are at war.

That’s “war” as in World War III.

This is just the latest escalation. And Russia, especially, is on high alert. Air-raid sirens rudely jolt Russians into wakefulness on a regular basis. And Russians are continuing to build subterranean bunkers to protect themselves in the event of nuclear fall-out.

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Which means Putin expects nuclear bombs to drop.

But it doesn’t have to be nuclear bombs. Any missile or air strikes in Russia or elsewhere – and especially Syria – will create a clear threat to Russian servicemen. Meanwhile, Putin has planned an absolutely bizarre and terrifying military drill that will supposedly include 40 million people.

China has already warned the US over a potential World War 3. If things continue in this hostile fashion or go the way, say, Hillary Clinton wants them to, World War III will shortly turn into a reality.

The US is the aggressor here, but Putin is certainly making it clear he doesn’t intend to get left behind.

Maybe the US declares a no-fly zone over Syria. This has been seriously discussed by the Pentagon and Hillary. On Tuesday, US Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, warned America’s “enemies” in front of an audience at the Association of the United States Army’s annual meeting in Washington, D.C.:

“I want to be clear to those who wish to do us harm … [the United States military] — despite all of our challenges, despite our [operational] tempo, despite everything we have been doing — we will stop you and we will beat you harder than you have ever been beaten before. Make no mistake about that.”

This is extremely belligerent rhetoric. It’s as if the Pentagon wants a war. Of course, they do. It’s a trend – a Shemitah Trend. In fact, it’s just recently come out that the Pentagon paid a British PR firm $500M for top secret Iraq propaganda. No doubt, the Pentagon has a PR team working on Syrian propaganda as well.

In reference to Russia, China and others, the General pressed on: “Make no mistake about it, we can now and we will … retain the capability to rapidly deploy,” he said, “and we will destroy any enemy anywhere, any time.

So there you have yet another trigger happy slave willing to serve his puppet masters for the sake of his countrymen’s perceived “freedom”. Yet Americans will praise warlords like him for his valiance until the the cows come home even despite the fact that by most metrics, Russia is far more free than the US.

Most Americans unfortunately share this mentality, which makes it infinitely easier for globalist elites to start as many wars as they want, small or big – or worldwide.

Americans are easily worked up. They don’t bother to check anything and they believe most anything the Pentagon tells them, even though that same Pentagon just mislaid – maybe embezzled – some $8 trillion.

And it’s not just the Pentagon. Uber billionaires like George Soros continue to whip up war without pause while simultaneously lying about their actions. Soros published an article here accusing Russia and Syria of perpetrating a “humanitarian catastrophe” by bombing Aleppo:

The world is witnessing a humanitarian catastrophe of historic proportions. It is happening in Syria. It is being perpetrated by the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, in support of his protégé, Bashar al-Assad. Russian planes are bombing the civilian population of Aleppo, the country’s second-largest city, to assist Syrian government forces that are attempting to take control of rebel-held areas of the city.

Soros is after the big profits he’ll get by positioning his financial interests on both sides of the coming war. He’s already painting Putin and Assad as the aggressors in Syria when even a little reading on the ‘Net will make it clear that Syrian hostilities, as with those around Ukraine, were initially ignited by the US and NATO.

Unfortunately, Americans believe their own government’s endless propaganda. Threaten America’s ability to buy cheap goods, watch football, or guzzle cold beer – and too many will be willing to confront whatever “enemy” Washington wishes to accuse.

Of course, there is a kind of “bright” side, currently (pre-world war). All this warmongering combined with the recent correction in the precious metals markets, makes it the perfect time to add to your physical metals positions or to start accumulating some if you haven’t already.

With gold well below $1300 again and silver down around $17, this may be one of the few opportunities we get to purchase these metals at such a discount for the foreseeable future.

What’s going to take place is literally without comparison in the whole of human history and you need to protect yourself and your family as much as possible.

It’s my pledge to help position our readers in the best way possible to survive and prosper through what’s coming. World war and a global economic depression will create a terrible combination of events, but if we prepare in advance, we’ll be a step ahead in confronting what’s to come.


Source: Thanks To The Elites, We Sit On The Cusp Of A War That Has The Potential To End Nearly All Life On Earth

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Total 1 comment
  • This is the elite that are pushing with crooked media propaganda and millions of dollars to install the most
    corrupt un-liked individual in the country to the presidency. This creature is what will be needed to carry out
    the final war for the AAA criminals and continue O’traitor’s legacy of homosexuality and race war division.

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