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Key Indicator Shows Silver Prices Could Rise 420%

Thursday, July 23, 2015 4:52
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Despite the decline of silver prices in recent months, a key leading indicator is suggesting that silver prices might skyrocket in the months ahead. Silver investors who bought the precious metal the last time this metric peaked made an astonishing 420% return.

You won’t get rich overnight. But with a little patience and a well-timed buy, you could catch silver on its upswing. Most investors tend to prefer gold as their hedge against inflation, but there is evidence to suggest silver is underpriced right now.

For instance, it currently takes 74 ounces of silver to buy one ounce of gold. In 2011, that same ounce of gold could get you only 32 ounces of silver. Did gold become more valuable relative to silver? What’s the story here?

Continue Reading>> Key Indicator Shows Silver Prices Could Rise 420%

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