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( In this newsletter, we report several Falun Gong events in Sweden, Ireland, America, and Japan.
Falun Gong practitioners in Stockholm collect signatures against the persecution in China at Mynttorget Square every weekend. They usually demonstrate the exercises, pass out materials, and talk to tourists and local residents about the persecution, especially the state-sanctioned killing of practitioners for their organs in China.
Demonstrating the exercises on March 18
People view practitioners’ materials.
Passersby talk to practitioners and sign the petition to condemn the persecution
Linda, a local resident, said she knew about the persecution of Falun Gong but has never heard of organ harvesting from practitioners. She said excitedly, “What you are doing is upright. But it is not enough to hold such event in Sweden. Other countries need to take action, too.”
She was happy to learn that many governments and grassroots organizations have passed resolutions and initiated appeals, trying to help end this crime.
One English tourist explained the persecution to her friends while they viewed the display boards. Before they left, she held up a Falun Gong flyer and told practitioners, “I got this in England. I will tell more people about this and ask them to help you.”
Practitioners from Dublin participated in two events last weekend.
On March 17, St. Patrick’s Day and the national day of Ireland, practitioners performed in a parade in Bray, a town nearby Dublin. Tens of thousands of people watched this parade.
Practitioners play waist drums.
Spectators record the practitioners’ performance
Practitioners also set up a booth at the annual Mind-Body-Spirit 2017 Expo sponsored by the Royal Dublin Society (RDS) on March 17-19.
Practitioners teach attendees the Falun Gong exercises.
People stop to learn about Falun Gong.
Many attendees learned the exercises at practitioners’ free workshop.
Rachel excitedly told practitioners after learning the exercises, “It is amazing. I can absolutely feel the energy flow between my hands. I will definitely keep practicing.”
She later returned to the practitioners’ booth and studied the exercise instructions for a long time. She also signed the petition that condemns the persecution of Falun Gong in China.
Ah May, a Malaysian Chinese, said she experienced the same feeling. She and her two sons all felt a strong energy flow between their hands. She asked many questions about Falun Gong and learned why practitioners hold all kinds of activities to resist the persecution.
Many attendees also signed the petition that calls to end forced organ harvesting in China. Most were from the eight Irish counties that had recently passed resolutions condemning this crime.
The Tian Guo Marching Band, consisting of 160 Falun Gong practitioners, performed in the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Boston.
More than 100 groups participated in the parade. In addition to the hundreds of thousands who watched on the streets, it was estimated that 3.7 million people in the New England area watched it on TV.
This was the tenth year that the Tian Guo Marching Band performed at the St. Patrick’s Day parade in Boston.
The New England Cable Network introduced the band to the audience as a group of cultivators who follow the principle of “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.”
Practitioners from all over Japan were assembled in Yokohama on March 19 and held a grand march in the downtown area to raise public awareness of the persecution in China.
Practitioners march in Yokohama
Led by the Tian Guo Marching Band in Japan, practitioners played waist drums and displayed banners to tell people about the persecution. Tens of thousands of people watched the march.
A Korean-Japanese gentleman said he wants to help practitioners to end the persecution.
A young couple signs a petition to support practitioners’ peaceful resistance.
A local resident and a tourist expressed their support for practitioners’ efforts.
Earlier in March, practitioners participated in an annual community event held at the Citizen Center in Hiroshima. Practitioners have attended this event every year for 14 years.
Practitioners demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises.
Related reports in Chinese:法轮功亮相爱尔兰健康展-民众踊跃学炼(图)波士顿圣派翠克日游行-法轮功团体获喝彩(图)日本法轮功学员在横滨市中心游行传真相(图)爱尔兰法轮功学员参加圣派翠克节游行(图)广岛法轮功学员参加社区盛典(图)
Quickest way to get banned from the bins is to speak against Falun Gong articles, isn’t that right Chris Kitze?
So let me just say this; the article fails to employ the word “alleged”, in relation to forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong prisoners, which it should do considering the accusation has never been proved.
China adamantly insists it is in full compliance with WHO standards/ethics and it is against their law to purchase organs for transplant or to harvest organs without the written consent of the donor.
16 April 2006: U.S. Finds No Evidence of Alleged Concentration Camp in China: Repression of Falun Gong, reports of organ harvesting still worry officials.