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Left Vs Right: Freemasonry Promotes Both Sides

Monday, March 20, 2017 6:34
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Hitler-masonic-handshake-petain.jpg(Left. Hitler in classic Masonic handshake -thumb on knuckle- with Marshall Petain)

Normally we associate Freemasonry with the “Jews” and the Left. But
Freemasonry also has a conservative branch which establishes Conservative,
Nationalist and Fascist leaders as a form of false opposition. 
These leaders destroy genuine conservative, nationalist and Christian forces, as Hitler did.
Often, like Hitler, they make a show of being anti Masonry. But Trump is an exception.
He is constantly signalling his Masonic loyalty. 
Fascism is just as Masonic as Communism, hence their similarities.
We are bystanders to a political charade. Both Trump and Putin are part of 
the classic Masonic dialectic. Of course, we prefer them but we best be forewarned.

The bottom line is: 1. The central bankers empower Freemasons to control society by fomenting division and championing both sides. This is why Trump is bound to disappoint. Also, just because some Freemasons champion the  conservative values of nation, religion (god), race and family (gender) doesn’t discredit them. The ultimate Illuminati agenda is to re-engineer society by erasing them. 

2. You could deport every Jew to Israel and nothing would change as long as Freemason goyim are in charge. 

(Updated from May 24, 2012)

by David Richards



In Mein Kampf, Hitler said Freemasonry had “succumbed” to the Jews and was an “excellent instrument” to entice the upper classes into their agenda.

After the Nazis rose to power, Hitler outlawed Freemasonry and shut down many lodges. Many brethren were arrested and sent to the concentration camps. The stolen items from Lodges were used to create anti-Masonic exhibitions across Germany, designed to create fear and hostility towards the fraternity.

Freemasons were also executed, and their property stolen in countries invaded and occupied by the Nazi’s (Norway, Denmark, Holland, Belgium, France, Poland, Hungary, Greece etc). Historians tell us that at least 80,000 masons were murdered across Europe.


(Left, Hitler making the Triad Claw hand sign.)

However, in reality Hitler’s anti-Masonic policy was very selective.The Nazis only persecuted fringe lodges associated with the Communists. Mainstream German Freemasonry, which was allied with American and British masonry, was exempted. This because Hitler himself secretly was aligned with them. Indeed he was their agent.

A 1997 edition of the Freemasonic journal Philalthes featured an article titled ‘German Freemasonry and Its Attitudes Toward The Nazi Regime’, that reveals the demographics of the Fraternity in 1930s Germany.

‘Several Masonic spiritual families existed side by side in Germany, [and] were treated differently by the Nazis.’

‘About two-thirds of the brethren belonged to the three oldest, always Christian-oriented and at that time strongly nationalistic Grand Lodges founded in the 18th century which were called ‘Old Prussian’ because they were founded and had their seats in Berlin. They never initiated ‘non Christians’, that is, Jews.’

This faction was Pro-Nazi. It contained the captains of industry, commerce and finance, Royalty and leading citizens who backed Hitler. Many of these men were high-ranking members of the Nazi Party.

These lodges were not persecuted, but they did have to make a few minor adjustments consistent with anti-Masonic policy. Their Grand Master’s sent formal written oaths of allegiance to Hitler and they removed Hebraic wording from their rituals.

stamps.pngThey united and called themselves ‘The Frederick the Great Association’. The Prussian King Frederick the Great (1712-1786) was  a nationalist symbol in Nazi propaganda. However, he was also the founder and patron of ‘regular’ Freemasonry in Germany!


The Nazis liquidated the fringe lodges that allowed Jews to be initiated.

‘During the 19th century, five more German Grand Lodges were founded and a further one in 1924. They were called ‘humanitarian’ and initiated men of any religious denomination.’

They espoused liberal and internationalist politics. They were allied with the Communists: Hitler shut them down.

The Prussian alliance refused to recognize these lodges.

‘In 1922, the Old Prussian Grand Lodges decided to withdraw from the German Grand Lodges’ Alliance founded in 1872, explaining: ‘There is a border which strongly differentiates humanitarian from Old Prussian national Freemasonry. We, the three Old Prussian Grand Lodges refuse to take part in the general humanitarian fraternization movement between people in the world.’

kissinger_putin_masonic_handshake (1).jpg

(Putin, Kissinger exchange Masonic handshake.)

Essentially, the large and powerful lodges in Germany united to eliminate their much smaller neighbors. So, rather than being an attack on the Fraternity as a whole, Hitler’s anti-Masonic policy was really contrived Masonic in-fighting! 

World War Two should also be seen in this light.



The Prussian Lodges were the only German Lodges recognized by British and American Freemasonry.

They share a common history. Prussian King Frederick the Great played an important role in the creation of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Official Masonic history records:


mqdefault (1).jpg

  (Trump constantly makes Eye of Horus and Inverted Pyramid signs) 

“The Scottish Rite had its beginning in France, when in 1754, the Chevalier de Bonneville established in Paris, a chapter of twenty-five so-called High Degrees which, including the three symbolic Degrees, these High Degrees were called the Rite of Perfection.

 In 1758 these Degrees were taken to Berlin and placed under a body called the Council of Emperors of the East and West, and in 1762 Frederick the Great of Prussia became the head of the Rite and promulgated what is known as the Constitution of 1762. In 1786 a reorganization took place in which eight Degrees were added to the twenty-five, and the name changed to the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.”

 The Prussian Lodges were what tied the Western powers to Nazi Germany. This is why Freemasons like Henry Ford aided Hitler.

The lodges had particularly strong ties with the Prussian Royal family in Britain. It is well known that the British Royals were Nazi sympathizers, for instance, all four of Prince Philip’s sisters married high-ranking Nazis.

However, some Royals were privy to the agenda for WW2 and some weren’t. The Illuminati planned for Germany to lose the war, so the genuine Nazi collaborators had to be purged in case they sabotaged the script.

geo.jpegOne of the most infamous murders of WW2 was of Prince George, Duke of Kent.

The Duke was a virulent Nazi supporter. In 1939, he was elected Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England.

In 1941, Prince George and the Duke of Hamilton conducted a secret meeting with Rudolf Hess in Scotland in an attempt to negotiate a peace treaty between the rival powers. The British government arrested Hess and put him in prison for the rest of his life.

The repercussions for Prince George were even more severe. Six months after this meeting, his plane was shot down.

 Sir Anthony Blunt claims that the Prince was murdered on the orders of Winston Churchill.




Freemasonry was behind all of the major players in WW2

Freemasonry was behind the ‘right-wing’ Fascist Nazis. The Prussian Lodges in Germany were integral to building up the Nazi party. The Swastika is a symbol used in high Masonic Degrees today; apparently it is the ancient “Furthore” Rune Script for the letter “G”, the most important and universal symbol in Freemasonry.


( Fascism is just as Masonic as Communism, hence their similarities.)

Freemasonry was also behind the ‘left-wing’ Soviets. Karl Marx, Lenin and Trotsky were all Masons. The flag of Communist East Germany featured the Masonic compass.

Freemasonry was also behind he ‘Capitalists.’ Both Churchill and FDR were Masons.

Politics and history are a charade. The real war is between Satanists and humanity. Freemasonry organizes our elections and wars so nations remain divided and are destroyed. (Thus British Masons betrayed British agents to the Nazis.)  We are indeed mind prisoners of a satanic cult, mice in their laboratory



 Related – Freemasons Stage Our Political Charade 

——Historian Brought Freemasons to Heel

The “Ugly Secret” of WW2


‘The Rainbow Swastika’ by Hannah Neuman has an informative chapter on Hitler & the occult

Freemasonic and Nazi History –

History of the Scottish Rite –

Some similarities between Freemasonry and Nazism -


Freemasonry and Communism –

First Comment by Eliezer


Pursuant to “Nazis were Against Freemasonry — Masonic Ruse” by David Richards, many are those who have mistaken the Nazi movement for a right-wing conservative ideological movement. Nothing could be further from the truth. As researcher Rabbi Marvin Antelman writes… “Indeed, even though Hitler in his later years did condemn Karl Marx and Marxism, the fact of the matter is that National Socialism was Socialism and that, indeed…” early Nazi regalia combined busts of Karl Marx and Nazi Emblems along with the hammer and sickle, as shown in the 1934 Nazi Labor Day Medal Depicting a dominant bust of a young Karl Marx, Hammer and Sickle, Nazi Eagle and Swastika . [Nazi Regalia, Ballantine 1971]

Further, Antelman writes, “Once we realize the regalia is a dead giveaway of the Nazi connection (with Marxism), we can better begin to understand why there was a treaty between Communist Stalin and Hitler. The treaty provided that Stalin would remain neutral against Hitler. It began in August, 1939, and terminated with the invasion of Russia by Hitler in June of 1941. It would also better explain why leftists — cooperated with Hitler. This includes such infamous personalities as a practicing Christian named Walerner Von Oppenheim. He was a member of the Board of Directors of I.G. Farben, sentenced to death at the Nuremberg trials and executed. He was considered a Jew under the Nuremberg Laws, but Hitler had him exempted as an “Honorary Aryan.” [Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman, To Eliminate The Opiate, Vol. 2, 2002:215-216]
Rabbi Antelman explains, “What is often forgotten is that much of American anti-Semitism during the 19th century was aggravated by none other than Karl Marx, who was given a free hand in Horace Greely’s Herald Tribune to write diatribes about Jews, and which Marx published in his infamous “A World Without Jews.” [ibid]
When it comes to an occultic history of Hitler’s more plausible origins, and the true makeup and motives for the Holocaust itself, Rabbi Antelman takes us further down the rabbit hole than any man in recent history. Indeed, Antelman explains how… “The Sabbatian ritual which conceived Adolph Hitler on the 9th of Av, fast Day for the destruction of the First and Second Temples on July 20, 1888, Hitler was born 9 months later April 20, 1889. Accordingly, his real father was not Alois Shickelgruber and his Sabbatian roots are also maternal stemming from the Strones family.” For further reading…
See, To Eliminate The Opiate, Vols 1 & 2 
Also, Listen to Interview with Rabbi Antelman @
To Eliminate The Opiate Vol 1, complete book online here…

“…Be this as it may, the Führer’s origin remains (still) more or less shrouded in darkness, as it is not possible to trace any further than to those dates and individuals mentioned above, at least not with any certainty. Even the village Strones, the scene of this fateful childbirth exists no longer–Adolf Hitler ordered it destroyed … So far, one can find no mention or history of a “Strones Family” on search engines, ostensibly after which the town of Strones was named. One does however, gain a distinct but guarded impression, Hitler was conceived specifically for what he became. By way of curiosity, one asks which other national leader’s background still remains shrouded in darkness & obfuscation – a leader who apparently knew he was going to be President of the United States in 1989, 20 years before he was “elected?” Are the Sabbateans up to their old tricks? Was Barry Soetoro also groomed from birth?

Second Comment by David Livingstone:

Rabbi Antelman says, in To Eliminate the Opiate, that Hitler was deliberately produced through a Frankist ritual, on their traditional holiday, Tisha Bav, celebrated as Shabbetai Zevi’s birthday.

Turns out genetic tests have proven Hitler had Sephardic DNA, of the E1b1b haplogroup.

(source: Nebel; Filon, D; Brinkmann, B; Majumder, P; Faerman, M; Oppenheim, A (2001), “The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape of the Middle East”, American Journal of Human Genetics 69 (5): 1095-1112)

That Haplogroup also happens to be the exact same as found in Napoleon.

This is no accident. Both Hitler and Napoleon represent the two major attempt to set up world orders (or deliberately set up to fail doing so). 

Napoleon was worshipped by the Polish Frankists as a messiah. He was called the “World Soul” by Illuminati oracle Hegel.

Likewise, we have to remember that Hitler’s Ariosphy was the Jewish Kabbalah of the Frankist variety, produced by Blavatsky, taught to her by Jamal Afghani, and inherited from the Asiatic Brethren, founded by Jacob Frank’s nephew.

Hitler is commonly believed in occult circles to have been possessed. Consider Carl Jung’s opinion on the subject. I’m willing to believe Jung was a Sabbatean, as it has been proven that Freud certainly was.

See Wikipedia article on Esoteric Hitlerism


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