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Southern Maryland Primitive Pottery Class With Keith Grenoble

Saturday, April 8, 2017 4:58
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(Before It's News)

Southern Maryland Primitive Pottery Class With Keith Grenoble post image

Doug Dickens, Jack Mountain alum and enthusiast of all things primitive, will be hosting Keith Grenoble at his farm in Southern Maryland at the end of the month for a primitive pottery class. Keith is well known for teaching primitive clay pottery techniques (and other primitive skills) across the East Coast. They will be transforming raw clay (procured from the wild) into a variety of bowls, pots and vessels. After drying, they will fire the projects in a primitive open fire kiln. Here is the schedule:

Saturday & Sunday, April 29 and 30: Primitive clay pottery

 Friday May 12: Fire the “dried” pottery in open fire kiln

Saturday May 13: Retrieve primitive pottery works of art from the ashes

The cost is $100 per person for the class. However; Doug has offered to cover half of the cost for any verified Jack Mountain Bushcraft alumni that attend. Interested? Contact at: [email protected].

Photo: Packing clay into a homemade forge. Not remotely about primitive pottery, but it was the most appropriate photo I had.


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