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Red Alert! Ukraine’s Dirty Bomb Not a Bluff – Russia’s Case for a Preemptive Strike (Video)

Tuesday, March 21, 2017 10:52
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(Before It's News)




Ukraine’s Dirt Bomb – Russia’s Case for Preemptive Strike. The talk of a “dirty- bomb” in Ukraine seems to be more than just talk.
Ukraine’s Secretary of National Security Turchynov has hinted around that Ukraine is working on such a device to take back East Ukraine. Political analyst Sergei Markov said. “Ukrainian nuclear scientists are working to create a “dirty” nuclear bomb on the orders of the Kiev authorities.” Such news not only is distressing but clearly gives Russia a case for a preemptive strike, just as the US justifies with Iraq or North Korea.

From Israeli News Live

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  • Deve ser mais uma mentira promovida pela mafia khazarian… eles estão fazendo o que sempre fizeram – promover disturbios e promover falsas notícias, com a finalidade de criar ambientes de confrontação… chama-se “fofoca” e só acaba quando o mentiroso é defenestrado publicamente, com 40 chibatadas… e ainda cortar a lingua do pilantra mentiroso, para servir de exemplo para todos…

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