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A new ‘9/11 Suspects’ program aired Tuesday showed graphic details of one government insider responsible for thousands of casualties. Host James Corbett documented the numerous times one government official was caught on video, leaving little doubt that holding this person accountable is long overdue. Corbett features The Dust Lady photo that became an iconic 9/11 image.
“The image of a woman, shocked and disoriented, completely covered in dust from the demolition of the Twin Towers, brings the nearly incomprehensible events of that day down to a human scale,” reported Corbett.
The Dust Lady, Marcie Borders, an American Bank clerk in the World Trade Center, died August 24 last year from stomach cancer, with a related crippling debt of $190,000. Borders said she could not even afford to have her prescriptions filled.
911 Extraordinary Mind Control Reversal Conference
“In hours, days, and weeks that followed, thousands upon thousands of victims, first responders, emergency personnel, clean up crews, and residents were subjected to the poisonous stew of asbestos, benzene, mercury, lead, cadmium and other particulates from which many are now dying,” Corbett reports.
The government left at least 900 first responders to die within nine years of 9/11. Corbett names a key insider rsponsible for these deaths, those who died since then, and those dying today: Christine Todd Whitman, featured in the film director Penny Little’s documentary, “911 Dust and Deceit at the WTC.” Little’s film tells the story of the environmental disaster of 911 — through voices of scientists, waste management specialists, government officials, workers, volunteers, the heroes and victims of the toxic dust of 911. Opening scene of Dust and Deceit’s trailer features Whitman.
Whitman served in President George W. Bush’s cabinet as Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency from January of 2001 until June of 2003. (She had been the state of New Jersey’s 50th Governor, its first woman governor from 1994 until 2001.) The Environmental Protection Agency, the agency meant to literally protect Americans from environmental harm, has been responsible for 9/11 casualties, suffering and deaths that continue today.
‘No Public Health Concern’ Mind Control
As weeks and months dragged on after 9/11, “Whitman, the EPA and its officials made statement after statement after statement reaffirming that contaminant levels were ‘low or non-existent’ and that the air quality in Manhattan posed ‘no public health concern.’”
Daily Beast Dangerously Mind-Controls Readers
Corbett asserts, “We now know that these reassurances were outright lies. On September 18th, the very same day that Whitman and the EPA were encouraging New Yorkers to return to work, the agency detected sulfur dioxide levels in the air so high that ‘according to one industrial hygienist, they exceeded the EPA’s standard for a classification of ‘hazardous’.” By that time, first responders were already reporting a range of health problems, including coughing, wheezing, eye irritation and headaches.”
Today, the greatest health concern of most first responders is cancer.
“911 Dust and Deceit at the WTC” is now available at
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Until enough of We the People demand justice, we’re all sunk. That justice, however, will not happen any time soon. Too many people cannot face the facts regarding just how evil the system controlling them is. By the tie they awaken, will it be too late? Sees it will be, at the rate the cabal is moving to destroy humanity.
PS – Both of these excellent documentary films expose a key insider responsible for thousands of deaths – still roaming free with impunity.
Our whole damn government is crooked, I am so sick of the corruption. When is someone going to put out there who is responsible for 9/11 for the whole world to see. I love my country but I am ashamed of our government and their horrible atrocities. Those involved in 9/11 and their family should have received the best of health care. It is absolutely disgusting we don’t take of our town, but don’t hesitate to send billions and trillions of dollars to other country’s, mostly enemy’s, well not enemy’s to a few. D.C. needs a good dose of croton oil!
Error, meant to type our own not our town.
The entire world laughs at how Americans believe the JFK assassination was done by Oswald and 9/11 was done by muslim extremists.
I don’t believe this now, as i havent for some time.
Yes, it’s remarkable how well Americans are brainwashed far more than any other nationality. The ultimate purpose of 9/11 was to turn Americans against Muslims and it succeeded — in the US, anyway. So, Americans can justify the insane obscene war budget aimed against people they view as dangerous Muslims countries. 100$ mind controlled. Meanwhile, Bush and co 9/11 insiders roam free – along with Obama regime war criminals.
Nikola Tesla Technology and the premise of a nuclear “implosion”, is what happened on 911. “Star wars” SDI is EXACTLY what was used to turn steel into dust. Most People are unaware that only 25% of the buildings remained. Steel does not turn to dust, neither does kerosene melt steel. Building 7 came down at free-fall speed into it’s OWN footprint 7 hours later. That is physically impossible, unless “controlled” demolition took place. Only problem is, there were no audible repetitive explosions of the kind associated with explosive demolition that were heard. The “dust” of 911 continued to react, for YEARS. Steel that was replaced in various buildings soon turned to pure RUST, just like all the steel that was hurriedly removed from the CRIME SCENE. Rothchild/Jesuit satanist Bankers are WHO dreamed up and orchestrated 911. They need to be EXECUTED for subversion, robbery and murder of the American People.
Due to asbestos the buildings were a liability who double insured them (Silversteen is jewish) and then worked with his banker freinds and the CIA to “Pull it”
Bin-Laden could not change physics on 9/11 and if three out four airlines hit there targets then how come no one has tried it since and don’t say because security was increased because that would only show a lack of understanding when it comes to maths.
Americans know who done it but lack the balls to do anything about it but today war criminals like Tony Blair that lied thouught his teeth are above the law because they are under the protection of the bankers and these bankers also have all the judges in there back pockets too.
Agreed, Virus. Meanwhile, 9/11 death toll continues mounting – and still, no accountability.