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All Prophecy is self fulfilling
Virtually very major religion has embedded within it some sort of ‘End Times Prophecy.’ This is no accident. What has NOT been revealed until now is why, exactly. All religious people are indoctrinated from a very young age with a complex set of memes, or programming, which allows their will and their very lives to be controlled by ‘puppet masters’ who, being educated in the code, can easily manipulate the lesser informed to do their bidding.
In the unfortunate event that an indoctrinated individual should become aware of their enslaved condition, self destruct memes buried within ‘end times prophecy’ are utilized to encourage that person to ‘off themselves.’ This can occur in a variety of ways. The most obvious manner of ‘offing yourself’ is, of course suicide. Often times, the suicidal individual will first decide to take friends and loved ones out along with them, such as the case with Andrea Yates.
Mrs. Yates was indoctrinated in the religion of Christianity, and as the Main Stream Media has been pumping out carefully orchestrated real world events over the past several years (decades in fact) which mirror events prophecized in the bible, she took it upon herself to ‘spare’ her children the horror of witnessing such events. Imagine her surprise when she discovered the sky has not yet fallen.
Countless others have fallen victim to this ‘depopulation agenda’ by choosing to ‘depopoulate’ themselves rather than wait for ‘Antichrist Obama’ and his legion of demons to do it for them. Meanwhile, the truly sick and twisted ‘prep’ themselves for this ‘event’ that never seems to arrive secretly hoping that THEY will be the ones ‘chosen’ to do the ‘depopulating’ of the wicked on God’s behalf.
False stories make headlines of the Department of Homeland Security purchasing billions of rounds of ammunition, for instance, and gun sales skyrocket. The makers of these weapons of mass destruction make quite a hefty profit selling Americans the instruments of their own destruction. Those same doomsday profiteers, such as Alex Jones and the like, anxiously await the day they can hide behind the fortresses the masses have bought bought for them with their own stupidity and pick off the zombified people who once listened to their every word, one by one.
Another way to ‘off yourself’ is to ‘off yourSELF.’ Turn off your ‘selfishness’ and surrender your will completely to the ‘masters.’ This method is favorable to them, of course, and that is why one religion in particular has no ‘end times’ prophecy at all: Buddhism. No prophecy is necessary in that because ‘offing yourSELF’ is what Buddhism is all about. Surrender your will and your life over to your Guru, and he will absorb and transmute your Kharma for you. But don’t forget to offer him gifts, or he might just disappear leaving you to fend for yourself.
The reality is, that there is no such thing as the ‘end of the world.’ All that will end is YOUR participation in it. So how will it end for you? Will you vegetate on your couch, flipping channels on your plasma screen TV until it manages to convince you that you have cancer or restless leg syndrome and you poison yourself with the ‘medications’ it tells you to take? Will you become ‘righteous’ and take out a few infidels before being gunned down by the police? Will you forsake your religion altogether and live with one foot in the grave until random chance takes you out?
How will YOU contribute to the depopulation agenda?
If they want realistic “never before” targets how come there is no politicians being depicted?
it’s always US ain’t it? Always the disgusting US??? We are always in THEIR WAY aren’t we????
screw em
yes sire, at leasr until they need someone to protect them….then they come begging.
Hahaha it will end for me by my BS meter exploding my head when i read one too many BINNED storie’s
Sure had to dig deep into your closet for this one, huh Mr. Swill
Soooo, the ammunition purchases tracked by various people looking at actual government documents in the government’s procurement system are false, eh?
Hahaha….oh my…. PollyannaWill your self delusion is only matched by your lack of investigative skills and inability to reason from facts
Good luck, I wish you the best and I suspect you’ll need the luck….lots and lots of luck.
Just take me when I’m gone to “Forest Lawn” !!! Actually I want to be stuffed and bent over with my pants pulled down and a sign over my bare ass that reads “PLEASE KISS THIS” !!! Then I can go out “on tour” and be placed in front of Congress then the Senate then the White House….You get the picture !
I will contribute to the “depopulation agenda”, by taking whatever actions present themselves to impede, entangle then stop it altogether. But, I certainly can’t do it all by myself.
History teaches us that when any group of people are having their collective survival put in jeopardy by another group, the smarter groups survived by not living in denial about the existential threat, AND the smarter groups do not wait quietly for actions to be taken against their group to which they are then reactive.
The smarter groups (Americans in decades past), became decidedly proactive. Their choice to act before their adversary is prepared and ready to repeat the Jewish Holocaust by ” surprise”.
As always, let your conscience be your guide.