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By John Ale (Reporter)
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Inside Job to Assassinate Trump? New Info Points to Secret Service Leaving Massive Gaps in Security!

Saturday, March 25, 2017 10:15
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(Before It's News)

Cristina Laila for the Gateway Pundit reports, The fence jumper who roamed around the White House grounds for 17 minutes before being apprehended by the Secret Service was able to breach security so easily because the sensors along the fence had been reportedly removed.

The agency had removed alarm sensors along an area of one fence that the intruder scaled, according to two sources familiar with details of the incident. There are traitors in the government and they should be held for high treason. Some politicians are corrupt. They lie, steal, and cheat the people of this great. They shouldn’t be in office at all. 

I am sharing this information from Next News Network. I don’t know whether it is true or not. However, the world we live today is very dangerous and everything can happen. The secret service should protect our president, no matter what.

Remember the laptop that was stolen from the secret service? That wasn’t good at all. If terrorists get that laptop, they can use it. It is sad to say that but that is true.  

The Next News Network 

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