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Los Angeles, Seattle to be Nuked by North Korea – rumor from high level military source

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 0:04
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(Before It's News)

~~From Common Sense radio interview, I have the info. start at where the source details the info. he received from high level military sources. The rest of the interview IMO is not critical to listen to, before or after this info is revealed. This info is not a stretch to accept, since it is standard conclusion anyone would arrive at when thinking about a possible conflict with North Korea. They also mention that the attacks will be blamed on North Korea, but will already have been pre-placed by unknown terrorists or globalist agents. The end result they are after is martial law in the US and control of society. If it happens we may not know if North Korea were the ones that nuked the US. The speakers also mention a program on TV  called “Jericho” where this type of scenario is part of the drama program. George Eaton

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