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Why Condoleezza Rice Met With Trump

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 14:47
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Say what you will about Condoleezza Rice, she is intelligent, hard-working and well connected to the neocon empire.  The question is, why did she meet with Trump at the White House?


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Total 9 comments
  • Beware Trump. She might call you “my husband”. :lol:

  • Interesting speculation, Dave. However this is DEFINITELY NOT worthy of the headline article.

  • she was bush’s russian advisor for years :lol:

  • She is Bilderberg and knows/knew about 9/11…!!! Do NOT trust her. She is strongly established….the only reason he would want her.

  • David Hodges is inventing the news daily/

  • the neocons have taken over the trump white house.
    they’re teeing up two wars: syria and NK.
    syria, based on an obvious false flag. video cameras catching it all live in an obscure area. looked like a cia production.
    NK, where nothing is different at all from the past 5 years, except for fake news stories.

    i voted for trump and got a combination of jeb bush and barack obama foreign policy.

  • Do NOT trust her !! Course, Trump already has a lot of questionable people in his cabinet like the Goldman Sachs boys and Exxon, and now Gates is going to be added ? …the virus vaccine King of the World (with Buffet)

  • This vile traitor and co-conspirator on the 911 false flag event will possibly be taking Steve Bannon’s job
    or advising Trump on how to implement his own false flag to get the “Big War” going. No one other that
    Rice and Cheney know more about how to use false flags stage events to start wars and take more of
    your rights away. Looks like Martial Law straight ahead especially in light of the new false flag in Syria that
    the US and Israel are surely behind. Look for some action here in America by the Deep State to get the
    ball rolling.

  • She wants Trump to start WW3 in Syria, we already went through that 2 years ago. Bashar Assad destroyed all his Chem weapons, John Kerry negotiated that. It was Rebels that Sarin Gassed people if anybody. The spin lied then, and they lie now. Assad’s Chem stock pile is gone. :lol:

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