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Voice of Iran** Municipality workers in western Iran not received paychecks for months Municipality workers in Khoramabad, western Iran

Thursday, December 15, 2016 10:02
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Voice of Iran** Municipality workers in western Iran not received paychecks for months
Municipality workers in Khoramabad, western Iran

Regime officials in Khoramabad and Lushan, western Iran, have refused to pay their municipality workers for several months.
“When we go to the municipality or the city council we are faced with nothing but neglect. Despite all this, the problems we have faced regarding our paychecks have made our lives very difficult. Some of our colleagues cannot even buy a loaf of bread and we are seriously suffering from the delay in our paychecks. It has been two months since our insurance pensions have not been provided for,” Eight of them are still waiting for their retirement pensions, and are currently suffering serious hardships, On the other hand, according to reports from inside Iran, around 500 municipality workers in Khoramabad have not received their paychecks for 4 months now. Their insurancepensions are provided with much delay. This is taking place at a time when their insurance pensions are provided through decreasing 7% of their wages.
The Khoramabad city council chief has asked for this issue to be resolved.

“Delay in coming forth with the workers’ demands has forced these workers to stage numbers rallies outside the Khoramabad municipality and city council. The last such rally was on Sunday outside the municipality building of district two.    Source: care for Humans in Iran

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