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voice of Iran**Homeless Iranians live in unused graves

Friday, December 30, 2016 4:31
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Tehran; Images of homeless living in graves shock Iran
Tehran, Asia One, Dec. 27, 2016 – Images of homeless drug addicts living in empty graves just outside the Iranian capital have deeply shocked the public
Shahrvand newspaper on Tuesday published the images in a report on the homeless people – about 50 men and women – who dwell in a cemetery in the town of Shahriar, 30 kilometers (18 miles) west of Tehran.
The story and the haunting images of the homeless staring into the camera from inside the unused grave slots spread quickly on social media, where users and celebrities reacted with expressions of alarm and sadness.
Some of those who lived in the graves had done so for 10 years, according to the daily.
‘Aren’t we humans? Are we foreigners? We are Iranian too,’ an unnamed homeless man told the newspaper in a photo.He asked authorities to build a shelter in the area.The report is a rare glimpse into the lives of homeless people in the Iranian capital.In October another report on homeless people occupying in sewage canals on Tehran’s highways triggered similar reactions.Poverty has worsened in recent years in Iran.
The official unemployment rate has risen to 12.7 percent this year from 10.6 percent in 2014, while joblessness among teens and young adults has reached 27 percent. But the real numbers are said to be much higher both in overall and youth unemployment.

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