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voice of Iran**Tuesday 27 December sixty-sixth day of his hunger strike in Evin prison.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016 2:20
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Voice of Iran

Tuesday 27 December sixty-sixth day of his hunger strike in Evin prison.

The political prisoner Arash Sadeghi is on hunger strike for the continuous 66 days in Evin prison.

He is on hunger strike to protest the arrest of his wife and lawlessness in his case. After the deterioration of his condition and frequent coughing up blood was transferred to Taleghani Hospital in a state of semi-consciousness. But the political prisoner refused by connecting head, And after hour and half political prisoner in critical condition was returned to Evin prison on the 66th day of hunger strike.

 Arash Sadeghi is suffering from kidney and gastric problems, coughing up with blood clots, severe weight loss. Scaling skin، Slash speaking words، high blood concentrations and the risk of cardiac arrest، all he suffer from the effects of hunger strike.

Source: care for Humans in Iran

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