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H.R.1331 – Quicker Veterans Benefits Delivery Act of 2015

Tuesday, July 14, 2015 16:34
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Dear, Honorable Sirs and Madams; of the DAV.  I would like to take this time to point out the importance of (H.R. 1331).  For those veterans who can’t always wait for a VA appointment, it would be nice if; “private treatment of medical evidence provided by non-Department of Veterans Affairs medical professionals in support of claims for disability compensation be considered.”  Whatever- it takes to see that veterans get their benefits while their alive… {This year after year process} of waiting for benefits from the VA, well, to be quite frankly, some of us don’t have a year or two or three to be waiting for benefits!  The progress on H.R. 1331 has been quite the (filibuster) to say, the least? In just a short-time of 2 months, March 4, 2015,Mr. Walz (for himself and Mr. Denham) introduced H.R.1331; which was referred to the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs and has only made it through the (first stage) of the process into becoming law.  That’s stage 1 of 5 steps: before enacted into law.

                                 H.R. 1331, still has to be passed by; the House committee, then the Senate, then the President for an over view, then the bill, will be (enacted) and made LAW.

            {given example.

           H.R. 1191 from the 114th Congress passed: Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act of 2015 the process for this bill being enacted started March 2nd, 2015 became law in May 22nd, 2015. WOW! Just a little over 2 months. So, you can see, if their was real motivation in getting this H.R. 1331 bill to pass, it could be done in a matter of weeks!

Sincerely Yours,

Eddie Verdon

Veteran waiting benefits

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