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Why I’m so frustrated about the lack of credible info on Planet X

Sunday, July 5, 2015 7:40
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By Guest Writer David Hines aka Doomsday Dave (bio and articles | forum)

I have spent many hours searching for the truth because I love my children and grandchildren very much. The future for them is a directly proportional to what we have accomplished or not accomplished.

I think in many ways we have done a very bad job of securing their future. We have raped and pillaged the earth under the pretext of technology but, in fact, all those in power who pave the path to our future did it for greed, not for the betterment of mankind.

When I first learned of Planet X, I did a lot of reading and looked to those I thought had the right stuff and the correct intentions to deliver credible information so I could make an informed decision. We raised our children to be God-fearing, obedient and to do the right thing and to listen to our elders. I believe that the “elders,” let’s say, have said one thing and done the opposite: They have withheld information so we cannot make a good decision as how to handle the future. They have held back on much technology to make life better for our children. They have set a poor example and they should be ashamed.

Planet X is one of those elusive subjects that has had many experts chasing the truth and, for those who have stuck their neck out, I applaud you. I take a lot of ridicule for what I have written but I keep marching on without the encouragement of my peers at times and the one thing that keeps me going is the support I get from both the staff and readers of

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