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Democrat Group Plans $25 MILLION Ad Campaign To Fight Concealed Carry

Monday, April 10, 2017 7:57
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The Democrats are determined to keep Americans defenseless in the face of rising Muslim migrant crime and jihad. Party of Treason indeed.

“Democrat Group Plans $25 Million Ad Campaign To Fight Concealed Carry,” by Phillip Stucky, Daily Caller, April 10, 2017:

A democratic pro-gun control group plans to spend up to $25 million in ads during the 2018 midterms against concealed carry legislation.

Everytown for Gun Safety was founded by former Republican mayor of New York City Mike Bloomberg. The group also announced several key hires ahead of the election, and plans to focus the majority of it’s attention in state legislature races, Politico reports. Michael Bloomberg, former Republican mayor of New York City, founded the group.

“This is a line in the sand on this issue, there’s no question about it,” Everytown president John Feinblatt told Politico. “The NRA wants to normalize carrying guns in public. It’s not where the American public is. We’re putting people on notice today that we’re watching … and that we expect to hold people accountable.”…


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