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Exclusive!! Want Freedom From Being Censored? Check Out This Last Frontier of Free Press – Tutorial
Pete Santilli is an independent news reporter who has been tirelessly covering and documenting via live streaming the events happening in Burns, Oregon. Events from town halls gatherings, interviews, the Hammond Rally and now what is known as the Malheur Refuge Occupation.
Throughout this time, MSM has twisted, manipulated and propagandized the situation at the refuge, turning it into something it is not. For this reason Mr. Santilli has continued to show the world via live streaming the real news with no narrations, no teleprompters and with no holds barred. The FBI apparently does not like being unable to stop the truth from reaching the American people, which proves the MSM reports include falsehoods along with exposing an agenda of deception and collaboration between MSM and “law enforcement”.
The FBI’s attempt to use intimidation to stop the documentation and reporting of what is happening in Burns, Oregon, is a violation of one of our most fundimental rights from the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and is in violation of Oregon Constitution Article 1 Section 8. Freedom of speech and press.
“No law shall be passed restraining the free expression of opinion, or restricting the right to speak, write, or print freely on any subject whatever; but every person shall be responsible for the abuse of this right.—” .
The real question is, if the FBI do not have anything to hide, why are they wanting to silence independent media from reporting and documenting ongoing events unless for nefarious reasons? After all, we are only doing what the federal government has told us to do and that is “SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING”.
Pete updates via live stream about FBI intimidation tactics.
Exclusive!! Want Freedom From Being Censored? Check Out This Last Frontier of Free Press – Tutorial
Tim Brown of Freedom Outpost reported:
Let’s deal with a few of the issues.
The building at which the protesters have occupied is not like a federal building in a major city. In fact, it is open to the public. It is public property, though in a free country, it should be owned by someone, not government. So there is no occupation of a “federal building,” but rather an area that is owned by the people.
The entire protest by the Bundys and the militia has been peaceful. No one is threatening any violence. That usually comes from the tyrants (ie. Waco, Ruby Ridge, Bundy Ranch siege). Even the reference of Ryan Bundy to being willing to kill and be killed was taken out of context by the media. That statement was with regard to the protesters and militia being fired upon by federal officials, the BLM or police.
Furthermore, head on over to liberal rags like the New York Times and see the lunacy of people who are full fledges statist communists as they demand that the protesters be killed, taken down and a variety of the two, but these same people didn’t utter one word when there was real violence and disruption in Ferguson, Baltimore or their own city by a bunch of degenerates and race baiters who are just out to squeeze money from the pockets of their fellow citizens. Yes, I’m referring to the BlackLivesMatter nonsense.
Well said Tim Brown from
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Exclusive!! Want Freedom From Being Censored? Check Out This Last Frontier of Free Press – Tutorial
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Exclusive!! Want Freedom From Being Censored? Check Out This Last Frontier of Free Press – Tutorial
Eric Holder Involved in Armed Takeover of ROTC Building
Pete, you need to get this information provided by a judge regarding the law. Very helpful when talking to the feds and reporters. Well worth the read.
The Lame “Media” Needs to Stop Demonizing Fellow Americans in Oregon – Bundys, Hammonds and ALL of US!
Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Patriot Update – Santilli on TalkNetwork
woooo classic rascism here….. classy. pure professional reporting
Pete, where’s the interview asking Sheriff Ward why he has not fulfilled his paid and sworn oath to protect the good people of Harney County including the Hammonds, life, liberty, property, from domestic paper terrorism of the Courts and BLM?
I want to commend the FBI and FEDS for showing restraint at this time while the good people of America try to resolve a crisis, abuse of power, not only in Oregon but across the nation. Thank you for standing down so being level headed and not causing death to innocent citizens trying to air their greivances.
My opinion is the Sheriff of this County failed his paid and sworn oath to uphold the Hammonds Constitutional rights to protect their lives, freedoms, and property from criminal foreign agents no less paper terrorists of the foreign corporation and the further abuse of the courts.
One man, a County Sheriff, caused all this mess. The good people of this County recall the Sheriff and take his paycheck. He does not deserve to be your “protector” from abuse.
Not all sheriff are good sheriffs, the people need to know more about those they elect into such powerful positions.
FBI are just hirelings of the beast but if I were them, would be very careful what you support when coming against the people.
RIGHT ON!!! Let the truth just RIPPPPP.