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Something Big Has Surfaced! Obama Makes His Move Before Exiting! Truth You Don’t Want to Know But Have To!

Tuesday, January 5, 2016 17:38
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By Lisa Haven


American citizens are soon to become endangered species under the current tyrannical regime that is now in charge of our country. Secretly and behind closed doors the United Nations is gearing up for gun confiscation in the event of an economic collapse in numerous countries by hiring “disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration” officers who will be trained to seize guns from the civilian population. Not only that but laws are being shoved through that specifically restrict certain firearms, armor, ammo and the like. The Obama administration has made it clear that their agenda is to disarm American patriots. Just like Hitlter, Stalin, Pot, and Mao, Obama is taking a play straight out of their playbook, and we are headed for disaster:

“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so doing. Indeed, I would go so far as to say that the supply of arms to the underdogs is a sine qua non for the overthrow of any sovereignty.”– Adolf Hitler

“To conquer a nation, first disarm its citizens.” ― Adolf Hitler

“All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.”– Mao Tse Tung

In the video below I delve through the real facts about gun laws and statistics and how Obama just initiated his plan to ignite new executive actions against our gun rights. I include staggering documents presented from whitehouse.gove and more!! Trust me this is one video you need to be aware of…


“If I could have banned them all – ‘Mr. and Mrs. America turn in your guns’ – I would have!” – Diane Feinstein

“We’re bending the law as far as we can to ban an entirely new class of guns.” – Rahm Emmanuel, senior advisor to Bill Clinton

“If the personal freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution inhibit the government’s ability to govern the people, we should look to limit those guarantees.” – President Bill Clinton, August 12, 1993

“We know that other countries, in response to one mass shooting, have been able to craft laws that almost eliminate mass shootings.  Friends of ours, allies of ours — Great Britain, Australia, countries like ours.  So we know there are ways to prevent it”.  President Obama

“I don’t believe people should to be able to own guns.” – Barack Obama



So What Exactly Does History Show About Gun Confiscation??

1. In 1911 in Turkey guns were restricted and a result one and a half million Armenians were unable to defend themselves and were ethnically cleaned by the government.

2. In 1929 the former Soviet Union established gun control and as a result Stalins government killed 40 million Soviets.

3. Hitler in Nazi Germany established his version of Gun control in 1938 where millions of Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, mentally ill, disabled, and eventually some of the “brown shirts” who worked for the government were killed.

4. In 1935 Communist China established gun control and 50 million political dissidents were arrested and killed.

5. In 1964 to 1981 Guatemala established gun control and 100,00 were killed.

6. In 1970 Uganda established gun control and from 1970-1979 300,000 Christians were killed by the dictatorial government.

7. In 1975-1977 Cambodia gun restriction laws prevented people from defending themselves against the tyrannical government who arrested and killed one million people.

8. In 1994 Rwanda disarmed the Tutsi people and being unable to defend themselves one million were executed.

Therefore 70 million people died due to gun control!! 


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For More Information See: 


Obama Fact Sheet-

Obama Video and info-

Real Statistics- 



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Total 20 comments
  • I am not surprised, this depraved and sickening incident took place in Germany over New Year and again was not mentioned by the MSM because it involved Islamic ‘migrants’…..


  • lisa are you single ? do you have a job?

  • Hello Angle#1,

    Charlie here. The point of all of this is the negro will lead to another Civil war. Both sides are testing the waters. if we follow the negro then it will be the slow boiling pot of the frog syndrome and we will one day wake up unarmed, naked and destitute with the grinning negro smiling at our demise.

    The other scenario is what we just ignore the negro since he is NOT even a legal sitting us president! That should make all of this nonsense go away, but it isn’t. At some point shots will be fired if this keeps going on. The best thing to do is to IGNORE the negro as soon as the EO leaves his office.

    The negro will be, or should be, going away soon. But his theatrics are EXTREMELY DISTURBING at this point. To humiliate himself with known crocodile tears and put on a “show” shows the level the negro will go to disarm Americans. And that is a sign we Americans BETTER take seriously.

    The negro is up to something. Being BOTH a sodomite and a Moslem are BIG SIGNS of the immorality and hatred of the negro.


    Charlie (remember, ignore the negro NOT the doughnuts) :lol:

    • Why are you always applying with such weak material and pointless donut references… You’re a clown for real.

  • Before it is over this govt will look like Stalin, when enough people wake up to what has been done to them.

    • I suggest people are actually waking up at warp speed. God has removed the veil, evil is being exposed like never before. Those in my circle of life were at one time totally oblivious to chemtrails, HAARP and CERN. Now I don’t know of a single person who is not at least partially informed about these technological realities and their evil agendas. I live in a diverse neighborhood where a few years back nearly everyone wholeheartedly and blindly supported Obama, their imagined savior. Presently I know of only a small handful of politically ignorant who are still attempting to defend Obama’s subversion of the United States Constitution and rule of law. I would imagine this wakening and the probability that a court challenge to his ridiculous executive orders is on the near horizon will inspire a heightened level of effort on the part of this luciferian cabal to rapidly escalate their unconstitutional actions before the courts can stop their power ploy in it’s tracks.


      • Lisa, I’m confused, even though I do not agree with your religious posturing I have always defended your journalistic capabilities in this forum. I don’t deserve the same respect? I wonder, are you going to remove my comments again? It appears lately you have somewhat of a problem with my opinions and/or faith. You have consistently removed my responses to your posts. I suspect this effort has far more to do with your advocating the false doctrine of the harlot than it does anything else. Being corrected with solid scriptural evidence isn’t something you’re equipped to accept.

        Whatever faith you represent openly supports the insane “trinity doctrine” that purposely demeans God, reducing Him to that of His own creation. You all practice and promote traditions like Christmas, Easter and Sunday worship which historically are all elements of Baal. Ironically you choose to ignore the documented connection in favor of intertwining imaginative fable with God’s Truth. I apologize for being so forward, although you have not given me any other option if I want to participate.

        The big questions is, does seeing God’s truth in comparison to the false doctrine you deliver offend your sense of control. Does all information or opinion that conflicts with idolatry make your head turn around while you vomit green slime? (just kidding to emphasize the absurdity of your omission strategy) The thing you’re truly missing is that my input is not intended to elevate myself, or demonstrate my scriptural awareness, it is honestly not based on my personal intellect, nor my imagination, this doctrine is not my own creative own concoction. I offer is what I believe, what I am totally convinced is God’s truth. I provide scripture to support my positions.

        Obviously you can try to silence God’s Word but truth is coming to the ear of man and you dear have no power to stop it. You can continue to remove any sign of truth under your managing jurisdiction, but God is going to get His truth out there whether you fight it kicking and screaming or not. Be cautioned, those who intentionally work in opposition to truth stand in unison with their Father the devil, the master of deception. Because of where we are in time it might be a great time to reassess the really bad decision to embrace the doctrine of the harlot. I say this not facetiously but out of true love and concern for your salvation.

        Honestly although I do hope you hear what I’m saying I don’t expect you will allow my response to remain in the conversation. I think you are far more interested in misleading those actively seeking God than you are in facilitating an open conversation.

        Very disappointed,


        • Based on the fact that my above response was allowed to remain I will assume my input will no longer be censored. I thank you Lisa for deciding to be fair.


  • It’s one of the first steps towards implementing dictatorship, and if you can’t see it from Bible prophecy unfolding you can see it just from current events.

      End Times and 2019
      Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate
      The Two Witnesses of Revelation: Will Elijah and Moses Return in 2016?

  • Good video, Lisa.

    The fire is what is called a “back fire”; that’s a small fire to burn up a strip of land usually 50 feet wide or more depending on the type of growth and size of blaze you are trying to stop, so that when the main fire reaches it, there will be noting left to burn, so it goes out.

    You and Stefan Molyneux are my two favorite commentators. You have good sources but should touch base with him, sometime. Stefan has a good video detailing the entire background on this sitation:

    You got it right about minerals. There’s gold and rare earth minerals, but the main one is URANIUM that I hear the Gov’t has already committed to sell to CHINA, so they have to produce on it quickly. One of several links below:

  • be a lot of dead people on the UN side . COME GET SOME !!!!!

  • Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest. —Gandhi

    During WW1 one particular Belgian town was ravaged by the German army. Events were so bad that even the German officers had to reign in the soldiers who were committing crimes against the people. After the war, the Belgian townspeople were asked why they did not fight back against the Germans. Their answer? “Our mayor convinced us to turn in our guns.”

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