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The Real Story Behind the Hammond Ranch Affair

Wednesday, January 6, 2016 5:39
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bundy confrontation

America, thanks to the crisis at the Hammond Ranch and the stand-off at the seized Federal building in Burns, Oregon, we have a real opportunity to expose a major fraud being perpetrated against the American people and our collective futures. The globalists have left the door open to being exposed for who and what they are to the American people as a whole.

The Hammond Affair is critically important.We need to defend our property rights.  However, the abuse of the Hammond family is smokescreen for what is really at stake. We desperately need to keep our eye on the ball.

Summary of the Hammond Ranch Affair

How did we get to the point where we could see a major armed conflict between members of the Patriot community and the forces of the federal government?

The Original Situation

hammond ranchThe Hammond family conducted a few controlled burns on their land which spread to Federal land. The father-son duo were eventually prosecuted under statutes reserved for terrorists. This was a huge miscarriage of justice. I understand fining the two for their perceived recklessness, might have been appropriate, however, the Hammond family are NOT terrorists. Neither man deserved prison time. The elder Hammond is 73 years old and I fail to see the value in jailing a man in this set of circumstances.

As important as this issue is with regard to land rights in the West and a gross example of prosecutorial abuse of the Hammonds, there is much more to this case.

The Private Theft of Public Assets

Paralleling the current crisis is the case of the misuse and theft of the people’s assets. In many BLM lands, involving private ranchers, minerals are being taken out of the mines. I have documented this on several instances on The Common Sense Show.

There is a conspiracy being perpetrated against the American people with regard to the true nature of America’s financial situation. To most people, America appears to be on her last economic legs and the future looks hopeless. On the other hand, America has never been wealthier. However, the wealth has been horded and hidden from the American people.

Yesterday, I exposed, once again, the fact that minerals are being taken from mines such as the one on theHammond Ranch and what was attempted at the Bundy Ranch. This is happening all over the country. In yesterday’s article I noted the New York Times article which exposed the facts related to this subject.

The prosecution of Hammond family is designed to get them off of their land through breaking them financially by creating expensive legal bills and federal fines. Once the Hammonds are gone, the globalists get to have their way with the lands resources.

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The Abuse of the Hammonds Began with the Bundy Ranch Affair: All Ranchers Are At Risk

bundyIt has been widely reported, the Chinese paid $4.5 billion dollars to build a solar plant on the Bundy property. The Clark County (NV) Commissioners are on the hook for that money. This is why one of their minions threatened to send anyone traveling to the aid of Bundy home in a body bag. There is absolutely no way that the Bundy Affair is over.

Nearly all people who reported on this issue see it as a one-time resource grab involving Senator Harry Reid, his sons, the Clark County Commissioners and the Chinese government. The people reporting this are correct. However, this goes much, much further. Unfortunately, I have the experience to recognize this for what this is. Also, I have come across a Bureau of Land Management Policy Manual which spells out what is happening to Bundy and Hammond families and why. T t those who, yesterday, said you could not believe this, read the manual. The government in their own words, is telling you what they are doing!

The central bankers and the corporate controlled media are attempting to make it appear as America is dead broke, through the manipulation of the fiat currency, with no hope of recovery. The central bankers, through the government, have indeed hijacked and are hording and hiding substantial assets as they are planning to take the surface economy down as early as this fall/winter. The globalist strategy consists of convincing the people, in advance of the collapse, that there is no hope of economic recovery. Under this scenario, the perpetrators of the collapse will meet with less direct resistance, both in the collapse phase and in the recovery phase in which we will all witness the establishment of a world government and a one world economic system.

Which side is correct? Are we broke or do we have substantial hidden assets? Both sides are correct. The visible economy, which is obvious to all (e.g. the health of the fiat currency, the unemployment rate, national GDP relative to the planet’s GDP), clearly indicates that a collapse is imminent. However, there is also substantial wealth that is being horded and stolen on behalf of the banks and corporations by their governmental partners, which could make a significant difference in the health of our economy. The wealth is substantial and has successfully been hidden from most Americans.

The federal government, through its BLM minions is absconding with the people’s assets. On the Bundy Ranch, they were attempting to misappropriate the land and convert it to Chinese use in order for the Chinese to be able to plunder the wealth of the land. In other ranches, the BLM is overseeing the unauthorized removal of the people’s assets from public land. In yesterday’s article, some people did not appreciate my linkage with Clinton’s selling of Uranium to Russia through her Canadian partners, but the documentation from multiple sources including the New York Times was undeniable. And where is Clinton getting the Uranium? My sources are adamant that she is obtaining the uranium from BLM land and from places like the Hammond and Bundy ranches. All the documentation regarding these assertions are published in yesterday’s article. I would suggest that people click on the links and follow the data to its logical conclusion.

Both the Bundy and Hammond Affair, have provided the Independent Media with an opportunity to expose the biggest financial fraud in the history of the United States. Just how much money are we talking about? Yes, the Hammond Affair is critically important and I stand in support of the Hammond family as I did with the Bundy family. However, this issue is longer lasting and impacts more people.

America Is Not Broke

America is not broke, not even close. The United States of America is awash in wealth, cash, proprietary assets and an unimaginable amount of mineral wealth. What belongs to the people has been transferred, in the greatest theft in world history, from the workers and consumers to the banks and the portfolios of the criminal elite gangsters which control the politicians with insider-trading and outright bribes.

Today just 400 Americans have more wealth than half of all Americans combined. Despite this grim statistic which reveals the wealth imbalance in this country, our nation has never been wealthier. Further, America is nowhere close to being broke, followed by an analysis on why the global elite are telling the public that we are broke beyond repair.

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Underground Wealth

Americans are lamenting that our budget deficit is approaching $19 trillion dollars. Our national debt and deficit is a drop in the bucket compared to the assets that our government controls.

Far beneath the ground, the federal government owns the rights to mineral and energy leases, from which they receive royalties, rents, and bonus payment, states the Institute for Energy Research, an industry groupAccording to their estimates, government states that the assets are worth $128 trillion. That’s almost eight times the national debt.

empty oil“These resources could be leased to third parties and could subsequently earn the state and national government  huge royalties, rents, and bonus payments that estimates could total almost $150 billion over 10 years, just for the oil and gas leases alone.”  Then why isn’t this being done? Simple, ask yourself who would lose money if this were to come to fruition? The oil companies, the bankers, and common crooks like Hillary Clinton, that’s who!

Further, the unleashing of these assets would reduce the costs of energy for consumers and businesses.  Now, the owners of the utilities, the same people who are the owners of the oil companies, could not permit that. The utilities have invested billions toward the installation of smart meters and a new infrastructure  smart grid, in which they control all energy pricing.

Another factor that comes into play on why these assets are not being unleashed is because plentiful, reliable and cheap energy supplies would greatly accelerate economic growth and jump start the economy out of the doldrums. But when the globalists’ goal is the creation of a one world economic system controlled by a tyrannical one world government, the old government and economy must be brought down and this economic boon to the economy cannot be allowed to transpire. Therefore, the government acts as a procurement agent for the globalists, who will eventually unleash these assets to themselves, after the collapse of the dollar.

In the present moment, crooks like Clinton are helping herself to many of these assets for her own personal gain.

Still not convinced that the BLM is allowing private individuals to steal public assets, and abuse local farmers? Try this on for size. Once gain, we return to the Bundy Ranch.

Solar Energy Zones

I have discovered the existence of a BLM document which introduces America to a new Agenda 21 land designation and it is called a “Solar Energy Zone”. The smoking gun BLM document is entitled:

Regional Mitigation Strategy for the

Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone

Technical Note 444

Produced by:

Bureau of Land Management

March 2014

(see attached PDF)

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The BLM produced document carefully spells out all of the Agenda 21 precautions to protect the environment and indigenous wildlife in these newly created Solar Energy Zones. The document specifically mentions the tortoise and its need to be protected, which is at issue in the Bundy case. Every form of species is protected within these Solar Energy Zones except for humans and nothing is mentioned about how land will be acquired through the eminent domain process.

The document makes it clear that land can be acquired to protect local species which could be threatened. This is how the federal government is getting around declaring eminent domain and paying people fair market value for their land, prior to stealing it.

Reid, Clark County Commissioners, the Chinese and Cronyism

“The Bureau of Land Management, whose director was Sen. Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) former senior adviser, has purged documents from its web site stating that the agency wants Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle off of the land his family has worked for over 140 years in order to make way for solar panel power stations”.

Most people view the recent events directed at Bundy to be a case of political and economic cronyism. There is certainly that element. However, this is much bigger than the corrupt Harry Reid and his sons.


There are none so blind that will not see. The documentation the ultimate issue in the Hammond Ranch Affair involves the plundering of the people’s assets, is so well documented and undeniable. The Independent Media needs to support the Hammond family. However, we desperately need to bootstrap the issue to show the country how we are being led down the primrose path under very false pretenses.

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Total 3 comments
  • Who’s the terrorist? GOOD PHOTO at the top, Dave.

    Good piece on the ECONOMY and basic wealth of the country, or is it PRIVATE wealth? See that Hillary Clinton-Russia-Uranium1 Corp URANIUM deal in Wyoming.

    Agenda 21 is pretty nebulous. All sweet stuff but no details, and could (will) be twisted easily.

    But this article gives little background on the Hammond story, but you could get the REAL background here:

  • To my Paiute friends: take over the land, and kick’em all off. It is your land!! Not any rancher’s or the feds, for that matter!! :lol:

  • My husband says the Oregon group slaughtered an entire herd of deer so their cattle could graze. Who does that? An entire herd of deer. That is not responsible hunting or land management in my experience.

    If you can enlighten me on how that sort of slaughter is ok, please let me know. I am not for either side, just want the whole truth and not half truths.

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