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Famous Rothschild Banking Dynasty Facing Fraud Charges In France

Sunday, November 15, 2015 13:37
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For a little background on the significance of the the Rothschild dynasty being up on banking fraud charges, consider what was revealed in The Complete List Of Banks Owned By Illuminati Rothschild Family.The Rothschild’s are one of The 13 Families That Rule the World and Who Act as The Shadow Forces Behind the New World Order. The video below goes an overall background of the 13 families, but without question, the Rothschild’s are by far the wealthiest, estimated to be worth close to $500 TRILLION dollars.



For a bit more background, Humans are Free Reports:

The shadow forces behind the New World Order (NWO) are following a slow-paced agenda of total control over mankind and our planet’s resources. David Icke coined it the “Totalitarian Tip-Toe,” because “they” are making very small steps towards our complete and definitive enslavement.

As a result, the masses remain relatively unaware of the fact that their liberties are being gradually taken away, while the power of the NWO octopus grows steadily.





Somewhere near the very top of the pyramid, an extremely elitist organization known as the Council of the 13 families orchestrates all of the major world events. As the name suggests, the Council consists of the top 13 most influential families on Earth.

An increasingly number of people is becoming aware that 99% of the Earth’s population is controlled by an “elite” 1%, but the Council of the 13 families consists of less than 1% of the 1% “elite” and nobody on Earth can apply for membership.

In their opinion, they are entitled to rule over the rest of us because they are the direct descendants of the ancient gods and consider themselves royal. 

Illuminati 2


MintPress News reports:

NORMANDY — One of Europe’s wealthiest bankers faces questioning for fraud in France as part of a years-long case that accuses him of defrauding retirees.

Baron David de Rothschild, one of the wealthy members of the famous Rothschild banking dynasty, was indicted last month over allegations that his company, Rothschild Financial Services Group, offered a fraudulent equity release loan program to about 130 retirees between 2005 and 2008. 20 British retirees living in Spain brought the fraud lawsuit, according to Olive Press, an English-language newspaper published in that country, but it’s taken five years of legal maneuvering to successfully force the Baron into court.

Rothschild Financial Services Group is accused of falsely advertising the scheme, under which retirees were told they could reduce the value of their French homes in order to reduce the inheritance tax that their descendents would for those properties. According to the report, France’s “Tax Agency ruled that such a scheme constitutes fraud.”

Antonio Flores, one of the lawyers prosecuting the case, told Olive Press, “In short, independently of what happened to the investment, Rothschild advertised a loan aimed at reducing inheritance tax, which is a breach of tax law.”

With a summons for questioning signed by a Paris-based judge, the next step was to find Baron Rothschild, who could have been staying at any of several French properties, including a castle in Normandy.

Also in June, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that another Rothschild-owned business, Rothschild Bank AG, based in Zurich, Switzerland, must pay $11.1 million in fines for helping Americans conceal their taxable assets overseas.

“Rothschild Bank, which had U.S.-related accounts with an aggregate maximum balance of about $1.5 billion, knew it was “highly probable” that some Americans weren’t compliant with income tax and reporting obligations, and that some were hiding behind sham entities in Liechtenstein, Panama and the British Virgin Islands,” the Justice Department said, according to Giles Broom, writing in Bloomberg Business.

Rothschild Bank was one of 100 firms subject to a probe of overseas banking. So far, eight other Swiss banks have agreed to similar settlements with the U.S. government. Broom outlined the effects of the Swiss banking probe so far:

“The U.S. probe of the Swiss financial industry has already hit the country’s biggest banks, UBS Group AG and Credit Suisse Group AG, for more than $3 billion. About a dozen others, such as Julius Baer Group Ltd. and the Swiss unit of HSBC Holdings Plc, still face separate criminal investigations that may result in fines.

“Rothschild closed about 296 U.S.-taxpayer accounts between Aug. 1, 2008 and Dec. 31, 2013 and encouraged customers to voluntarily disclose undeclared assets to the Internal Revenue Service.”

At one time, the Rothschild family were one of the most powerful in the world, with their fortune built off warfare and corruption. The Rothschilds became hyper-rich through financing England’s Napoleonic Wars in the early 1800s, and accusations of insider trading and improper influence over global politics have dogged them ever since. Though still powerful, they have withdrawn from the public limelight in recent history, and many believe their fortunes, while still great, have fallen from their historic heights.



Pt. 1: Illuminati Infiltrate NASA, Conceal Largest Lie in History, & Will Depopulate

Pt. 2: Nazi’s and Illuminati Directly Responsible For the U.S. Space Program, but Why

Pt. 3: Secret Societies Arranged For Underground Bunkers For Them, Not You.

Pt. 4: Why Are The Illuminati Planning To Crash the Global Economy

Pt. 5: What Is The Illuminati Doing To Usher in Global Martial Law?

Pt. 6: 74 NASA Scientists Dead: Largest Cover-up in Human History Continues

Pt. 7: What Dark Secrets Are The Georgia Guide Stones Hiding From Humanity

Pt. 8: Former Illuminati Confesses on Obama, Space Program, Denver, and Aliens

Pt. 9: Planet X Accidentally Disclosed by NASA At Recent Conference

Pt. 10: Everything We Have Been Taught About Human Origins Is A Lie 

Pt. 11: Secret Identity of Georgia Guide Stone’s Founder Revealed 

Pt. 12: Why Did the U.S. Build an Uncapped Pyramid in the Middle of Nowhere? (Video) 

Pt. 13: These 13 Families Rule the World: The Shadow Forces Behind the NWO

Pt. 14: Complete List Of Banks Owned By Illuminati Rothschild Family 

Pt. 15: Professors and Leaders Congregate To Warn People About New World Order

Pt. 16: Still Believe the New World Order Is Just a Conspiracy Theory? Not After This! 

Pt. 17: How Do the Illuminati Control Politics, Music, the Media, and Hollywood? (Videos) 

Pt. 18: The Illuminati’s #1 Tool Used To Keep The Masses In Line 









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Total 9 comments
  • What a joke this is. The Rothschild Family has been the reason for the deaths of a billion people at least and has taken from the western world five hundred trillion dollars worth of wealth, using the scam that is the FED, the IMF, and the other Banks and schemes, and, by proliferating war in all the world. What a joke on all of us this is, something to make people think the Rothschild’s are just common folks. Well, they are not common folks and nothing will ever come of this charge. The world will not know peace or security which we could all have, except for the Rothschild’s, the world will never know the truth of its turmoil until the Rothschild’s and their minions are brought to justice, and, this stupid thing is not it.

    • Exactly. I couldn’t have said it better myself. Of all the crimes that Rothchilds have committed, at best they would get charged with fraud? I call BS on this one.

    • It’s a really sick joke on us all. They are truly demented. They think that no one can touch them. They are so full of hubris. Even Mama Rothschild said if her sons “didn’t want wars, there would be none.” That was a long time ago and even today, many of us are too damn stupid to realize it and that’s sad.

      Is it just me, or does that particular Rothschild resemble Mr. Burns from the Simpsons? What’s with all the “coincidences” and the foretelling of future events in their cartoons??? What’s with questionable collaborations between Germans (Matt Groenig) and Ashkenazi Jews (Sam Simon)? What’s their agenda? To mess with peoples’ brains through innocent looking cartoons???

      It’s as if they are mocking the rest of us with their bs that they shovel into our faces. I’m sick of this bs. I am not saying that all Germans or all Jews (even Ashkenazi) are evil and have an agenda, but I think that the ones that are dominating the planet right now are pretty much a combination of the two.

      That’s why Saudis are mostly untouchable as opposed to the rest of the Middle East. Many have the same roots. It really doesn’t matter because we are all supposed to be human. It matters to a certain small lot, though. They know that all of the so-called races of the world share common genes and that many of us are more mixed than they want to tell us, but they don’t want to tell us that if they don’t have to.

      • “Mr. Burns from the Simpsons? ”

        mmm hmmm. Per ZACT ly.

        • What’s that supposed to mean? I haven’t watched that dumb cartoon in years, so please jog my memory. Thank you.

          • :lol: It’s just my very individual way of saying, “yes.”

  • Twelth pictures in the list but i want to know how many out the the twelth didn’t get there end of there cocks chopped off just after being born ?

    Numbers cannot be racist so lets call a spade a spade and see that the world is run by jewish bankers who own the FED and the IMF and the BIS and the WTO and are proxy owners of the ECB and the UN and NATO.

    Money buys you everything and that includes your own death if you continue to play along with these money men of the world who now want to cull the worlds population so long as your not a white jew, black jews are not wanted by these money men of did you not notice that out of the twelth, none are black

  • Yeah, riiiiight. Such bs. Such a convenient little thing for them – this Paris tragedy. Take the focus of the world’s biggest vampires and shift it. The supposed trying Tony Blair for war crimes thing came and went with a blink of an eye. There are admissions by various top tier that ISIS was created by various world governments in cahoots with cahoots with big corporations, but who cares?

    Apparently, not many because any time the disasters happen, we all do our little puppet dance and play along when we should be asking, why and for what reason did they happen in the first place.

  • The “new world order” … has one and only one top level objective … maximize the number of people who descend into Hell forever.

    The top priority in this objective … is to replace the Catholic world order.

    C A U T I O N: The Catholic Church has had *zero* … physical properties, priests, and bishops since 8 December 1965 … because of the Sources of Dogma on automatic excommunication for heresy.

    Mountains of proof > > >
    Photographic proof > > >

    - – - – - – - – - -

    Original Sin *did* close Heaven for all (temporarily).

    God re-opens Heaven in *one* prescribed way … in founding the Catholic Church in 33 A.D.

    Catholic Faith (pre-fulfillment) writing of Ecclesiastes 9:3 >
    “This is a very great evil among all things that are done under the sun, that the same things happen to all men … they shall be brought down to Hell.”

    More > > >

    - – - – - – - – - -

    Fallen into heresy … or into a heretic cult ? ? ?

    Simple, make the applicable … Formal Abjuration of heresy on Section 19.1 … to re-enter Christianity.

    Direct link > > > (takes 45 minutes)

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