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ISIS update 11/15/2015..’Paris attacks direct consequence of policy conducted by France in Syria’

Sunday, November 15, 2015 14:50
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(Before It's News)

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If France is at war, “It’s because of the criminal incoherence of French foreign policy, … plunging Syria into chaos”

Guillaume BOREL

In Arrêt sur Info, November 15, 2015

Translated from French by Tom Winter, November 15, 2015

The unprecedented wave of attacks that struck Paris last night, and which left, on first accounting, at least 127 dead, is the direct consequence of the foreign policy conducted by France in Syria, a policy less concerned over the salafist terrorism than it is about the destruction of the country and the overthrow of Bashar al-Assad.

If several authors of the carnage in the Bataclan concert hall were saying, according to witnesses: “It’s Holland’s fault , it is the fault of your President, he did not have to intervene in Syria,” we must consider what was the reality of French politicy in this country since the conflict began in 2011.

The French Republic, as president François Hollande revealed in the interview with journalist Xavier Panon, has been supplying weapons to the Syrian rebels since 2012. Through channels of the DGSE, 20mm cannons, machine guns, rocket launchers, and anti-tank missiles were delivered to the “moderate” rebels, in violation of the arms embargo put in place by the European Union in the summer of 2011.

An advisor in the Elysée recalled, according to Panon:

“Yes indeed, we are furnishing what they need, but within the limits of our means and in accordance with our evaluation of the situation. Under cover, you can’t act except on a small scale, with limited means, limited objectives.”

France has also put special forces on the ground aimed at the training and operational support of the combattants.

In March 2012, 13 French officers got captured by the Syrian Army when the Islamic Caliphate was relaunched in the Baba Amr quarter at Homs by the Al-Farsouq brigade and the Al-Waleed brigade, which would soon leave the FSA to join ranks with the Islamic State.

President Hollande, quoted in Le Monde confided in August 2014:

“We can’t let up on our support that we have been granting these rebels who are the only ones sharing the democratic spirit.”

Since the Syrian president Bashar al-Assad has declared more than once, that there aren’t any “moderate” rebels, one might inquire as to the actual nature of the rebel groups sustained and armed by the French state since 2012.

The Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius declared on this subject that the Al-Nosra front (Syrian branch of Al-Qaida), “was doing a good job.” On the other hand, Syrian relatives of people killed by Syrian rebels entered suit at the tribunal of Paris against Fabius, seeking symbolic reparations for the “personal failings committed by the minister of foreign affairs Laurent Fabius”

And the US Defense Intelligence Agency in a 2012 report had already determined that the help for “moderate” rebels actually benefitted the Islamic State: According to the former agency director, General Flynn, the indirect help of the US and the western coalition to the Islamic State was “an intentional decision.” In an earlier article on the troubled role of the western coalition in Iraq and Syria, I laid out the factually different elements that demonstrated the support and operational cooperation of Turkey, the US, and Israel with different jihadist groups [Western sponsors of the Islamic State].

These different elements show clearly enough that the western coalition, France included, has conducted a policy of support for various jihadist groups in their goal of overturning president Bashar al-Assad, under the pretense of that fiction of bringing help to the mythical “moderate” rebels.

The recent Russian intervention put a spotlight on the true nature of the pretend rebel groups when it brought about a chain of complaints and protestations from the western capitals that the strikes were hurting rebels supported by the West [(!) -- Tr.] However, the groups hit by Russian aircraft belong to the Army of Conquest — a collection including the Al-Nosra Front (Syrian branch of Al Qaeda) and such Islamist groups as Ahrar al-Sham.

Unfortunately, it is unlikely that the support of the French executive to jihadist groups in Syria will get exposed in the light of this unprecedented wave of attacks, which nevertheless constitutes its logical and predictable conclusion. The chaos Syria has been reduced to, and the proliferation of jihadist groups are indeed the direct result of the French foreign policy in the Middle East.

Whereas when the earlier attacks in January the executive posited the internet as favoring “autoradicalization” of terrorists, and presented them in falsifying fashion as “lone wolves,” scapegoats for the lapses and incompetence of French Intel and Security services, and introduced devises for mass surveillance of citizens, this policy was mainly aimed at individual freedoms, and has shown its futility today. It is however unlikely that the heads of security services, including the interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve – who have failed yet again – will be held accountable.

The government and the political class are hiding once again behind emotion and an insistence on “national unity.” For all that, the some ones who today declare a state of emergency and the reestablishment of control of the borders were barely just a few weeks back committing our participation in the welcoming of Syrian immigrants, in the name of humanitarian principles, and this despite the reservations of EUROJUST [agency for European judicial coordination], which affirmed that the influx included close connections with terror organizations in Syria……..more

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Syria’s Assad agrees to join negotiations – Kerry

Kerry-Lavrov press conference in Vienna

The participants in the ongoing Vienna talks on Syria have agreed that elections be held in the Arab country in 18 months.
Kerry said that there’s still no agreement on the future of President Bashar al-Assad. The US official added that the participating countries agreed to accelerate efforts to end the conflict by launching negotiations between the Syrian government and the opposition by January. Meanwhile, UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura has been tasked with deciding the composition of the opposition delegation at the Syria talks. According to Kerry, the permanent members of the UN Security Council will pass a resolution in favor of a ceasefire in Syria. However, he said that the ceasefire doesn’t apply to the ISIL or other terrorist groups.

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Week Six of the Russian Intervention in Syria: a first major success for the Syrian armed forces 

…………it is way too early to celebrate. Following weeks of intense fighting and only tactical victories, the Syrians have now achieved their first operational breakthrough, but they will need several more before they can contemplate a strategic offensive against Daesh. This is something which the USA and, even more so, Turkey and Qatar are going to try to prevent with everything they got. Here again, it is important to repeat, that the very small Russian force in Syria does not have the means to, for example, prevent Turkey from moving its forces into Syria.

At this point in time, I would judge Turkey and Qatar as even more dangerous than the USA. Why? Because they both put way too much prestige and, especially, money into ousting Assad and building a pipeline across Syria to link their two countries and they know that as long as Assad or any other secular regime remains in power in Damascus they can forget about it. In fact, if the Russian-Iranian-Syrian-Iraqi-Hezbollah alliance is successful in flushing out Daesh from Syria, were will all the Takfiri freaks go? The risk here is not only for Turkey, but even for the Saudis!

In contrast, Obama will soon be gone anyway and its not like the USA has a real national strategic interest in Syria (unless you assume that pleasing AIPAC is such a vital goal). Yes, it would be humiliating for the “indispensable nation” to miserably fail only to have a “local power” like Russia brilliantly succeed, but this humiliation can always be blamed on the outgoing Administration and used to get more votes. As for the US “deep state”, it knows that it can work with Assad only because it used to work with him very nicely before it decided to dump him (Assad even tortured “rendered” suspects on behalf of the CIA!). So keeping Assad in power might be humiliating but not much more than all the other humiliation the AngloZionst Empire already had to suffer at the hands of Putin.

Speaking of Putin, he made an important statement this week: while initially Russian officials had declared that the Russian military operations would last approximately 3 months, Putin has now declared that “the duration of stay of our military will be determined solely depending on the time this objective is achieved”. This could indicate a far longer Russian involvement.

I might be mistaken, in fact, I hope that I am, but I don’t see how Daesh could be defeated without an increase of the size of the Russian military force in Syria and, especially, an increase in the number of Iranians supporting the Syrians on the ground. Nobody will be happier than me if I am proven wrong, believe me.

Final event this week: it appears that the Russians are further digging in and that they have now deployed S-400 missile system on their base in Khmeimim. Depending on how you look at it, this either doubles the air defense capabilities of the Russian naval task force off the Syrian coast, or frees the guided missile cruiser Moskva for other tasks. Curiously, Russian officials have denied that S-400s are deployed in Syria. Either way, this is good news as the the deeper the Russian dig in into their positions, the harder it will be to threaten them. All in all, a very good week for the resistance to Empire and there is real possibility that the next couple of weeks will see even bigger progress.

The Saker

Russian Fighter Jets Bomb ISIL Military Sites in Raqqa

The Russian Air Force on Sunday carried out several sorties over the ISIL military camps across Raqqa province and hit them with many bombs and missiles, destroying the militants’ infrastructures.

A number of buildings, including a fire-extinguish facilities, in the ISIL terrorists’ sites came under massive attacks of the Russian warplanes.

Scores of the terrorists were also killed in the Russian airstrikes.


Sources said on Friday that the Syrian Army alongside Hezbollah fighters continued to hunt down ISIL militants in regions close to the strategic Aleppo-Raqqa highway.

On Thursday, a defected commander of ISIL disclosed that deep differences have risen among the Takfiri terrorist group’s leaders in the city of Raqqa.

“The gap has widened among senior ISIL leaders in Raqqa and from time to time clashes erupt in the city,” Abu Al-Walid al-Tunisi who has recently defected from the ISIL terrorist group said.

He reiterated that deep differences have erupted between governor of Raqqa Abu Luqman and the governor in charge of ISIL leader Abu Bakr al-Baqdadi’s affairs in Syria.

Al-Tunisi said the reason for his defection from the terrorist group was inhumane behavior and concern over political confrontations among ISIL leaders.

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