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Anonymous has released a new video today. The previous four, which were all titled, “Message to the people of the world,” and can be seen at the bottom. This one is titled, “Message to the United States Government 2016,” and they do NOT sound happy. Among the more memorable lines in the video is the following:
“As Iraq veterans against the war, we are resisting an occupation we once risked our lives for. We swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America, and we found out the hard way, that the greatest enemies of the United States are not to be found in the sands of some far off land, they are right here at home!!!!!
When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. It’s time we start meeting oppression, with resistance!!!!!”
It’s time to take our country back, plain and simple! Enjoy the video!
Anonymous – Message to the Citizens of the World:
Anonymous – Message to the Citizens of the World II:
Anonymous – Message to the Citizens of the World III:
Anonymous – Message to the Citizens of the World IV:
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Where can I buy anonymous bumper stickers , so I can put it up around this art college . students are walking around barking like a dog and its a college education .
I am the chosen lying mouth of the new world order and you idiots believe every lie that comes out of my mouth! You truly are my slaves. What difference at this point does it make!!!?
Blah, blah, blah, wha wha whaa!
Sorry for that, but America is so over! The time to stand was so long ago!
Yes..over 71/2 years ago when America was ( and continues to go down into the ‘left-stream’ Media & Democratic- Soros,Marxist-Mafia ‘Sewer!’) totally ‘brainwashed’ and politically STUPID!!!
‘The Dumb-ing Down of America!’
You cowards can vote me down, but you can’t prove me wrong! You’re all talk! Always have been! Oath takers are all talk, and no keepers! Why is America over? Look around! Media is 100% controlled! Top companies are fascists! The people could care less! But you talkers are going to fix it! I laugh in your face!
Fear not, trust in God, He will destroy Mystery Babylon, using the Kings of the East as His instrument of our peace. They will burn the whore with fire, and set the world free. Babylon is falling is falling, and great will be her fall. Amen!
Go F*ck yourself!
“V” for Vendetta !!!!
“V” for Venereal Disease”….
If you’re a Clinton
What the heck is everyone waiting for the msm to tell you to do it . Why are we still going to work and school do you see a future lovers of money are the ones not wanting to let go . I am ready when yall are . I have children who I want to have freedom cause they have never known it and neither have I.
The most greedy of the lovers of money are the corporate mobsters & elite who are paid millions to billions while the people who do all the work to make the corps successful are betrayed and given peanuts like slaves or animals. Workers have become the highly expendable human resources of corporate mobsters and the wealthy elites, who dont even pay their fair share of taxes.
The government is bought off, threatened or bribed, and the the result is full scale FASCISM, instead of freedom!
Meanwhile, the corporations are now permitted to poison and kill us for their greed and selfishness, while they take away our livelihoods and ability to prosper from our our own labors. We used to have the ability to prosper before they forced women to work too, and when we had a stable currency backed by gold (1971). Gold is Constitutional currency, not FRN’s.
Please wrap your head around the truth. The whole Constitutional government was stolen in the coup when they murdered Kennedy & King.
The trouble with Anonymous, is any freak with a mask, and a computer can be Anonymous.
I completely agree with one message, and completely oppose the next.
No cohesion in their messages.
Exactly. This is what makes me think it’s just some kids playing.
# The Van_Dykien ‘mask’ is that of Guy Fawkes. The JESUIT terrorist that tried to blow up the English Parliament.
IRONY? who says the Jesuits are not capable of political terrorism, when their idol is the one martyred……
Stay away Minnows! Its a “Phishing Site”….what are they planning? who by? what shall we target with disinfo?….what % of comments support this?…..
I FOUND out the Hard Way! Remote Control Shutdown/Silence. “Closing Closing …3, 2 ,1,_________*blank screen*. ALL comments REMOVED!
Anonymous messages would mean more if they actually ever accomplished anything other than getting accounts banned and putting out good videos.
It won’t matter since Obama will be the last President according to Baba Vanga and Nostradamus:
Anonymous is the CIA. It’s just more mind control and false hope. It surfaced as soon as cyber security became a nation state concern, and it frequently mentions corporations control America. It’s the Fed and the banks, not the corporations that control America.
The fed and the banks are corporations. The united states government (United States of America inc.) which sanctions the fed and the banks is also a corporation.
Anonymous are CIA, and the CIA is Gestapo!
Gestapo Chief Became Top Truman Advisor
Wikileaks: Facebook is CIA!
Everything that has to do with the US government in some way comes right back to some alphabet soup agency. The US government cannot and should not be trusted.
Anonymous cannot be trusted and i urge people to ignore them and their instructions. Even though it’s a ball ache posting on this site due to all the ads and pop ups and makes my computer run like it’s 40 years old, i’m going to post and offer a few things to consider.
Have you ever wondered why this group (who claim to have the best interests of the people at heart) have done absolutely F*CK all when it comes to dishing out justice on humanity’s oppressors? Instead, all they have seem to do is wind the masses up against the Government. Now this masked guy in the video states that in order to get a better Government, the current one needs to be destroyed.
Does this not sound like he’s promoting the spirit of rebellion? We know the M.O of the NWO is to destroy the current system (in all it’s forms) in order to bring about their desired one. Consider this guys message to the new Xmen film where the bad guy (forget his name) basically states ‘out of their destroyed world we’ll build a better one!’ The two messages sound very similar don’t you think?
Or what about this masked character who models himself of of the ‘hero’ of the film V for Vendetta? Basically acts the same way. Remember the biblical story about Lucifer rebelling against God? Who do you think V really is in all this anyway?
There is a way to get righteous Governments but rebelling against them in arms is not the answer. The bible states that if people return to God (i.e stop sinning etc) He will sort it all out and our land will be healed etc etc.
As tempting as it may be to over through and slay the corruption in our Goverments, by doing so, i feel we will be playing into the Devils hands. Do not listen to these guys, they smell just like the NWO and Satan himself.
P.S I apologise for the grammatical and spelling errors. Trying to type with all the lag and predictive text etc is a pain in the bum.
You can only hope to use this website without the insanely annoying nonsense you described, if you have an ad blocker installed on your system. The fellas here told me to install adblockplus, which I did about a year ago. Took 30 seconds to download and the site runs smoothly like when it was new.
Check it out:
I agree with you Fat Chunk, Anonymous is made up of many members and they have no core in terms of a charter, in fact they are divided in their membership between capitalist, anarchist as well as members of western culture and ideology and Muslim members. Clearly they are divided and they can have members who will no doubt sacrifice other members to perform who knows what kinds of acts. In essence they have no central leadership and are subject to the whim of the majority as well as actions contrived and implemented by single members. There is also the potential for some of the individuals to be terrorist and to perform acts that will reflect badly on the rest of the members whether they knew of the acts or not.
“Have you ever wondered why this group (who claim to have the best interests of the people at heart) have done absolutely F*CK all when it comes to dishing out justice on humanity’s oppressors?”
Are you referring to them taking down the computers at some of the fed banks? Or are you wondering why a bunch of computer hackers aren’t marching in the streets with machine guns?
“Does this not sound like he’s promoting the spirit of rebellion? We know the M.O of the NWO is to destroy the current system (in all it’s forms) in order to bring about their desired one. Consider this guys message to the new Xmen film where the bad guy (forget his name) basically states ‘out of their destroyed world we’ll build a better one!’ The two messages sound very similar don’t you think?”
It is probably best to use fictional movies out of the equation, aside from that our government (federal, state, county and city) has been replaced with a foreign for profit corporation. We are prosecuted under international maritime jurisdiction/admiralty jurisdiction for non compliance with statutes under UCC/Uniform Commercial Code.
Did you get that part? Commercial codes are being enforced as law in our country, the key word there being commercial. Our government has been overthrown. We can either let it continue to slip further and further into a fascist corporate dictatorship where we are all considered slaves/voluntary servants or we can do what is necessary in order to regain our freedom.
We can tear it down and we don’t have to rebuild it. We don’t need a federal government at all. We don’t need corporations either. Corporations are just a way for a small group of people to control everything from behind the scenes.
“Or what about this masked character who models himself of of the ‘hero’ of the film V for Vendetta? Basically acts the same way. Remember the biblical story about Lucifer rebelling against God? Who do you think V really is in all this anyway?”
Tell me you didn’t just compare the federal government to God and those who oppose it as satan.
“There is a way to get righteous Governments but rebelling against them in arms is not the answer. The bible states that if people return to God (i.e stop sinning etc) He will sort it all out and our land will be healed etc etc.”
But if we are all sinners then this is impossible, shucks I guess we will all just have to be slaves, except for the sinfull masters, they get to own us. This is your biblical justice? We are all sinners so most of us get to suffer while a few of us live it up?
“As tempting as it may be to over through and slay the corruption in our Governments, by doing so, i feel we will be playing into the Devils hands. Do not listen to these guys, they smell just like the NWO and Satan himself.”
Yeah, don’t listen to the guys that tell you to rebel against satan and his followers. Let’s just do what satan tells us to, it is God’s will after all.
I know what your saying Mongoose although i think you have missed my point some what. I am not sure on your religious or personal beliefs but i do believe in God (of the Bible) and what is written within. You may not, which is fair enough and your choice.
At the end of the day it all boils down to this. The NWO will be successful and ‘they’ will have they’re little party for at least 3.5 years. Its prophecy and there is no getting away from it. Well, having said that, i suppose scripturally it could be possible but only through prayer and repentance. Will we all of a sudden sit up and take notice prior to this, turn to God and thus avert tragedy? I really don’t think so. It’s going to go down as its foretold.
Yes we’re all sinners and by all means go and hang the traitors from the rafters but it’s not going to change anything. These people are untouchable and apart from having replacements lined up for anyone that is removed from power, they have Satan on their side as that’s who they work for.
You can’t defeat Satan by wiping out a few of his governments. You can however defeat him by turning to God and specifically Jesus Christ who is the one that will kick Satan’s arse upon his return.
If you have ever read the bible you will notice a theme that goes something along the lines of this: Man obey’s God, man does well and reaps the benefits. Man dis-obeys God, Man gets a kick up the rear. There are many examples of his people being blessed and those blessings being taken away through disobedience (blessings often being removed by the hands of their enemy’s). The enemy in this case you could suggest they’re our infiltrated corrupted governments. It goes bigger than that though.
I’m not saying we should all just lie back and take it. If you want to do something positive, spread the truth and wake people up. Cut the head off the snake so to speak. Violence will not change anything.
This is why I don’t like christian mentality. You are working for the enemy because you believe that it is gods plan that evil should control the earth.
Have you ever considered the possibility that the bible was written or at least twisted by evil people in a manner as to prevent good people from opposing evil?
If you can be convinced that God’s plan is for evil to rule then you will accept the rule of evil and even call it Gods will. If I were the devil then this would most definitely be my plan. After all it is easy to win if you can convince the other side not to fight. Even better if you can convince them that it is Gods will that they do not fight.
I read and studied the bible for many years and here are my thoughts on it.
Mongoose wrote:
“Have you ever considered the possibility that the bible was written or at least twisted by evil people in a manner as to prevent good people from opposing evil?”
That is one of the possibilities that all serious students of the Bible have considered. But they then learn quickly that the Bible is not the work of men. To study Scripture, honestly, is to see the truth of this fact for all that it means.
The only folks who have come to rely absolutely on Scripture, have tested it first. And there isn’t a single test the Bible cannot pass.
You cannot study the bible honestly and intelligently and come to any other conclusion then that it most definitely is the work of man and not god.
It is quite confusing and contradictory as a whole and that is not even to mention the disgusting things that so called god commanded and or allowed such as the ripping open of pregnant women and killing the fetuses.
The righteous gods would never tell people to enslave and murder every man women and child as Yah did. If the true gods wanted someone gone they would have taken care of it themselves instead of enslaving a people under the guise of setting them free and then putting that blood on their hands.
All Christians are seriously indoctrinated/brainwashed into believing that evil is good as long as Yah does it and that slavery and pedophile rape is ok as long as the israelites are doing it to gentiles at yahs command.
There is no way to seriously study the bible with an open mind and come to any other conclusion.
Yah was an evil, blood thirsty, murderous monster who commanded the israelites to murder and enslave it’s neighbors and in some cases to take the young women and girls as sex slaves. He in no way shape or form was a honest, loving and righteous God.
I find it funny that christians call muslims savages while at the same time the christians are worshiping this savage monster from the bible.
Satan more like it.
“You cannot study the bible honestly and intelligently and come to any other conclusion then that it most definitely is the work of man and not god.”
See friend, it is patently false statements like this one which give a perfect sense of your inability to look at things clearly. There are thousands of believing theologians in the world today – that is, men and women who have attained to doctorate-level study of the Bible. I myself have studied the Bible for many years and I find that it is impossible that the Bible is the work of men. So if you intend to argue that all of the believing theologians and all of the non-doctorate level believing students of Scripture have failed to study the Word of God honestly – I reject your conclusion in its entirety as being both unfounded and untrue.
“It is quite confusing and contradictory as a whole…”
So I’ve seen you argue in the past. But you cannot substantiate even a single contradiction in Scripture. Almost all of the apparent contradictions are resolved by looking at the specifics in question in the original languages. Other apparent contradictions can be resolved in other ways. As to confusing, I’m afraid that is another issue entirely. What is it about the Bible you find confusing?
“…not even to mention the disgusting things that so called god commanded and or allowed such as the ripping open of pregnant women and killing the fetuses.”
God never commanded anyone to rip up pregnant women. He did allow it to happen though on more than one occasion. But the perpetrators of that violence were dealt with in their own time because ripping up pregnant women does not accord with The Way of God. The instruments of His wrath are almost always themselves punished later for their ungodly deeds. Have you considered this? And did you fail to notice that God warned, very specifically, beforehand of the coming violence and what would serve to prevent that violence? You and other opponents of the Bible always fail to take into consideration that the recipients of the dire consequences to which you object, were ALWAYS warned beforehand and counseled to change their ways. God never allows such horror to happen to people without previous cautions.
“The righteous gods would never tell people to enslave and murder every man women and child as Yah did.”
Then your ‘righteous gods’ have nothing to do with justice. Justice demands consequences and consequences can be ferocious. That should serve as a warning to us rather than make us think to accuse God. There is no injustice in God. The injustice always lies with man. Always.
“If the true gods wanted someone gone they would have taken care of it themselves instead of enslaving a people under the guise of setting them free and then putting that blood on their hands.”
Mmmm hmmm. So you speak for ‘the gods’ now and you know what they would or would not do in all cases? More than a little bit presumptuous and haughty for a mere mortal, wouldn’t you say?
“All Christians are seriously indoctrinated/brainwashed into believing that evil is good as long as Yah does it and that slavery and pedophile rape is ok as long as the israelites are doing it to gentiles at yahs command.”
You just lied, Mongoose. Is that what you need to do in order to make your points? I take you at your word when you tell me you have studied the Bible. Well? ANYONE who has truly studied the Bible knows that God at no time EVER commanded ANYONE to rape – man, woman or child. It never happened. You just bore false witness against the Most High. Do you really think that’s a wise thing to do? Do you think the men and women on these boards who know the Scriptures better than you do are likely to mistake your false witness for truth? You just betrayed yourself for a very dishonest person who in no way is qualified to make a valid assessment of Scripture.
“There is no way to seriously study the bible with an open mind and come to any other conclusion.”
Your assertions are vain, presumptuous, arrogant, silly, and very much false.
“Yah was an evil, blood thirsty, murderous monster…”
Tell it to Him when you stand before Him, friend.
“…who commanded the Israelites… …in some cases to take the young women and girls as sex slaves.”
PROVE IT. Go on then. Quote the verses that support that lie. I of course know which verses you will cite, but I suggest you re-read them very carefully before you do. If not, then you’re about to make yourself look even sillier than you do as it is.
“He in no way shape or form was a honest, loving and righteous God.”
You have failed to arrive at a wise conclusion about your Creator. And it is your dishonesty that prevents you from doing so.
Num 31:17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him.
Num 31:18 But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
So when god commanded the israelite men to take the virgin girls for themselves the men were never going to have sex with them unless the girls gave consent right?
Or maybe god meant for the girls to be treated like princesses and not as concubine slaves.
Why don’t you do what christians do and make something up in order to justify the murdering of everyone except the virgin girls that were still good for sex.
I guess that is justice to you. Everyone dies except for the young virgin girls who get to be raped and traded like property for the rest of their lives by the very people that ruthlessly killed not only their entire family but their entire people.
Now go ahead and tell me that those little girls deserved that.
And furthermore
The bible clearly says that the Gods (plural) created the heaven and the earth.
Gen 1:1 In the beginningH7225 GodH430 createdH1254 (H853) the heavenH8064 and the earth.H776
Plural of H433; gods in the ordinary sense; but specifically used (in the plural thus, especially with the article) of the supreme God; occasionally applied by way of deference to magistrates; and sometimes as a superlative: – angels, X exceeding, God (gods) (-dess, -ly), X (very) great, judges, X mighty.
Not yahwey or jesus. Elohim does not mean Yahweyh. Yah never even claimed to be God or the creator.
I could go on but really, why.
Mongoose, the word El and the word Elohim refer to the mighty ones, where El is the Almighty One Most High who is Yahweh, and the Elohim plural are his mighty angels, furthermore he makes his people here in the earth Elohim or mighty ones as in the two scriptures where we read “If he called them gods (mighty ones), unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;” John 10:35 King James Version (KJV)
“I have said, Ye are gods (mighty ones); and all of you are children of the most High.” Psalms 82:6 king James Version
That’s the mystery of that. Don’t try to make more of it than this, however unless we know He is the Almighty One Most High we do not know who or what He is and thus do not know Him as He is or as we claim, and when we fail to exalt and praise Him and raise Him up on high by proclaiming Him to be the Almighty One Most High then we are not praising Him at all. If we do not think of Him in this manner then we have demoted Him to being something less than the Almighty. Some people act as if it is antiquated and foolish to speak of Him as such. And furthermore I do not know any prophets in this world of El, those who know Him as He was in the days of old and the Mighty One of Old.
You just make stuff up in order to support your beliefs. The bible does not agree with your assertions, in fact Yah never claims to be the creator of anything. He inherited Israel, how can one inherit his own creation?
1Sa_10:1 Then SamuelH8050 tookH3947 (H853) a vialH6378 of oil,H8081 and pouredH3332it uponH5921 his head,H7218 and kissedH5401 him, and said,H559Is it notH3808 becauseH3588 the LORDH3068 hath anointedH4886 thee to be captainH5057 overH5921 his inheritance?H5159
1Sa_26:19 NowH6258 therefore, I pray thee,H4994 let my lordH113 the kingH4428 hearH8085 (H853) the wordsH1697 of his servant.H5650 IfH518 the LORDH3068 have stirred thee upH5496 against me, let him acceptH7306 an offering:H4503 but ifH518they be the childrenH1121 of men,H120 cursedH779be theyH1992 beforeH6440 the LORD;H3068 forH3588 they have driven me outH1644 this dayH3117 from abidingH4480 H5596 in the inheritanceH5159 of the LORD,H3068 saying,H559 Go,H1980 serveH5647 otherH312 gods.H430
2Sa_14:16 ForH3588 the kingH4428 will hear,H8085 to deliverH5337 (H853) his handmaidH519 out of the handH4480 H3709 of the manH376that would destroyH8045 me and my sonH1121 togetherH3162 out of the inheritanceH4480 H5159 of God.H430
2Sa_20:19 IH595am one of them that are peaceableH7999and faithfulH539 in Israel:H3478 thouH859 seekestH1245 to destroyH4191 a cityH5892 and a motherH517 in Israel:H3478 whyH4100 wilt thou swallow upH1104 the inheritanceH5159 of the LORD?H3068
2Sa_21:3 Wherefore DavidH1732 saidH559 untoH413 the Gibeonites,H1393 WhatH4100 shall I doH6213 for you? and wherewithH4100 shall I make the atonement,H3722 that ye may blessH1288 (H853) the inheritanceH5159 of the LORD?H3068
1Ki_8:51 ForH3588 theyH1992be thy people,H5971 and thine inheritance,H5159 whichH834 thou broughtest forthH3318 out of Egypt,H4480 H4714 from the midstH4480 H8432 of the furnaceH3564 of iron:H1270
1Ki_8:53 ForH3588 thouH859 didst separateH914 them from among allH4480 H3605 the peopleH5971 of the earth,H776to be thine inheritance,H5159 asH834 thou spakestH1696 by the handH3027 of MosesH4872 thy servant,H5650 when thou broughtestH3318 (H853) our fathersH1 out of Egypt,H4480 H4714 O LordH136 GOD.H3068
From H5157 (in its usual sense); properly something inherited, that is, (abstractly) occupancy, or (concretely) an heirloom; generally an estate, patrimony or portion: – heritage, to inherit, inheritance, possession. Compare H5158.
I already gave the accepted definition of the word Elohim from the strongs concordance.
It means gods. Not yah and his angels. Since when were angels gods? It is you who are making more of things then they are.
The bible says one thing, christians make stuff up and distort the truth adding meaning where there is none, twisting things to suit what they have been taught and ignoring whatever doesn’t fit their doctrine.
This is why I am no longer a christian. I chose to be honest with myself and see things the way they are, not the way I wanted them to be or believed them to be.
It isn’t like I had anything to be ashamed of, after all these were things that I was taught since I was a toddler, it isn’t like I came up with all of that nonsense myself.
One more thing, the word “gods” in the verse below is not elohim,
“If he called them gods (mighty ones), unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken;” John 10:35 King James Version (KJV)
it is:
Of uncertain affinity; a deity, especially (with G3588) the supreme Divinity; figuratively a magistrate; by Hebraism very: – X exceeding, God, god [-ly, -ward].
“So when god commanded the israelite men to take the virgin girls for themselves the men were never going to have sex with them unless the girls gave consent right?”
Look at you wiggle. WHAT DID YOU SAY? YOU SAID:
“All Christians are seriously indoctrinated/brainwashed into believing that evil is good as long as Yah does it and that slavery and pedophile rape is ok as long as the israelites are doing it to gentiles at yahs command.”
And I called you a liar and said you would NEVER be able to find a verse to support your lie. So? What have you done? You’ve done nothing but prove my point. You have nothing to support your lie, but rather than back away from it all, you will dig in like the dishonest sort you are in a vain effort to support your indefensible position.
“Why don’t you do what christians do and make something up in order to justify the murdering of everyone except the virgin girls that were still good for sex.”
One of us is making things up, friend. It isn’t me.
“Now go ahead and tell me that those little girls deserved that.”
The only evil thing that ever happened to a man on planet earth that was not DESERVED, was when Jesus was crucified on the cross. Read the Book of Job.
“The bible clearly says that the Gods (plural) created the heaven and the earth.”
Don’t bother arguing ancient languages with me. You have already made a mess of your own language by inventing things which do not exist in an English translation and demonstrating that you become confounded by words which do not express meanings you claim they do.
“I could go on but really, why.”
You mean you could go on running from one topic to the next? Of course you could. What you cannot do is stick with a single topic and face the fact of your many errors – despite being called out on a brazen lie for which you have no defense whatsoever.
“Yah never claims to be the creator of anything. He inherited Israel, how can one inherit his own creation?”
The Bible explains all of this to the careful reader, Mongoose. YHWH speaking in the Old Testament is THE WORD. That is the pre-incarnate Jesus. He has life in Him just like The Father does, hence the name YHWH, which means HE WHO IS. All of creation was created THROUGH The Word, and nothing that was made was not made by Him. The Word became The Son. And it is HE who will inherit all. The Son inherits. The Son is given in marriage. The Son is YHWH because the Name of The Father is IN HIM – just as the Name of The Word is in the Son of Man.
“It isn’t like I had anything to be ashamed of…”
Ignorance and confusion are shameful things, Mongoose. You have plenty to be ashamed of.
What a joke.
What a joke. I use the bible to prove my assertions and you just state what you believe is true or what you want to be true in spite of what the bible says. I guess your beliefs are inspired by god and the bible is false.
Typical christian garbage. I wasn’t before but after watching you bloviate for awhile I am a little ashamed that I was once remotely any thing like you.
When you are proved wrong over and over again you claim victory over and over again as if you are fooling anyone other than yourself.
You probably don’t even believe what you are saying.
Oh, yeah, and this is what yahweh really means.
From H1961; (the) self Existent or eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God: – Jehovah, the Lord. Compare H3050, H3069.
or this
Contracted for H3068, and meaning the same; Jah, the sacred name: – Jah, the Lord, most vehement. Cp. names in “-iah,” “-jah.”
The only evil thing that ever happened to a man on planet earth that was not DESERVED, was when Jesus was crucified on the cross. Read the Book of Job.
God as Satan?
Or was it just Satan as Satan?
Yeah, and lets not forget that Jobs children were killed also, I guess they deserved it.
And those little girls deserved to be sex slaves too. Those evil little girls got what they had coming. Isn’t that what pedophiles say? They asked for it or they had it coming or something like that.
Beef Supreme is a shill anyways so I try to avoid debating him because he is not honest and is only interested in obfuscating issues in order to convince unintelligent people to give in to their confirmation bias and believe what he says even if it does not make any sense and has bee already proven false.
On my thread about the bible he is currently attempting to convince me that it was gods will for Stalin to kill millions of christians and that everything is gods will.
If that were true then that would mean that we have no free will which is obviously not true. If Stalin and Mao were yah’s will then yah is clearly evil.
The good gods would never endorse such a thing. The fallen ones on the other hand would.
Even if christians are wrong in their beliefs, many of them are good people who do not deserve death, they deserve truth as we all do and personas like Beef Supreme and his many aliases are always standing in the way of that attempting to keep the cattle corralled.
Christ is saviour – you are saved no matter what you do
Christ is lord and saviour – you are saved AS LONG as you submit to Christ.
Christ is lord (of this world only as there is no salvation)- you are damned whether you submit to him or not (i.e. Beef)
Mongoose wrote:
“I use the bible to prove my assertions and you just state what you believe is true or what you want to be true in spite of what the bible says.”
Are you insane? You said GOD COMMANDED CHILD RAPE. You said that right here in this thread. You can NEVER substantiate that lie with ANYTHING from Scripture. Stop pretending you don’t know that. You are a bearer of false witness against GOD, Mongoose. Just admit your error and back away from it. It’s easy to do.
“I guess your beliefs are inspired by god and the bible is false.”
I DARE you to quote me and show where anything I have said is at odds with the Bible. I’ll say it again, Mongoose: I dare you. Go on then.
“I wasn’t before but after watching you bloviate for awhile I am a little ashamed that I was once remotely any thing like you.”
You were NEVER like I am now. If you were, you would still be:
1 John 2:19
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us.
You were never a believer, Mongoose. And now, your spirit of dishonesty and false witness is most apparent. You can’t even admit to a foolish error without digging in your heels to justify the nonsense you’ve been called out on. You are animated by the wrong spirit. You can change that if you so choose.
“When you are proved wrong over and over again you claim victory over and over again as if you are fooling anyone other than yourself.”
SHOW ME where you proved me wrong. Just show me, right here. Copy and paste whatever it is you have in mind and let’s discuss it. I am so fed up with this trite and annoying tactic you are now employing. You know who never employs that tactic? Someone who actually has the superior argument. FACTS, friend. Haul out the facts and let’s discuss them. You’ll see I have the stamina for this. I have both the time and the inclination. But I doubt you do.
“Oh, yeah, and this is what yahweh really means… …yehôvâh yeh-ho-vaw’…”
As much is demonstrably false. Strong’s Concordance is dated and contains errors like this one. Even you with your transliteration of ‘yahweh’ recognize that ‘Jehovah’ is an incorrect rendering of the Hebrew Yud Hey Vav Hey. But we continue:
“…(the) self Existent or eternal…”
That is correct. HE WHO IS is a perfectly sound rendering of that concept. I AM THAT I AM is what He says of Himself. HE WHO IS is what WE say of Him. See how easy and how plausible that is, Mongoose? Or you can just be obstinate for the sake of being obstinate and just shut your eyes to everything except what you feel like seeing.
You were never a believer, Mongoose
Because not being able to add 2 + 2 you never fully submitted to your semi-dead until you submitted saviour.
And Mongoose wrote:
“Yeah, and lets not forget that Jobs children were killed also, I guess they deserved it.”
That’s right. They deserved it. You know who else deserves it, Mongoose? You and me. That we yet live is the miracle for which we owe God our gratitude. Isn’t it better to give Him our gratitude rather than to launch scorn and accusations at Him? Especially when we are such pathetically limited beings who can see so little and comprehend so inadequately? Do you ever think of these things?
“And those little girls deserved to be sex slaves too. Those evil little girls got what they had coming. Isn’t that what pedophiles say?”
Perhaps you should concern yourself less with what the lawless criminals say and more with what THE JUDGE has said instead. Thus sayeth The Judge:
Matthew 18:6
Whoever shall cause to stumble one of these little ones believing in Me, it would have been better for him that a millstone be hung around his neck and he be tossed into the depths of the sea.
Luke 17:2
It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin.
Matthew 25:40
Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to ME.
“They asked for it or they had it coming or something like that.”
No. Something like this: They were sinners in rebellion against the Most High. God’s children are not mistreated in such ways. Lawless reprobates are. There’s a strong message in that. Ignore it at your own risk.
“…only interested in obfuscating issues in order to convince unintelligent people…”
If you had anything to say, you would not be wasting time with personal jibes. If you had an argument, you would make it. You have nothing, so you blow smoke and hope no one will notice. Let me know how that ends up working for you.
“On my thread about the bible he is currently attempting to convince me that it was gods will for Stalin to kill millions of christians and that everything is gods will.”
I’ll say it here. NOTHING that has ever happened in this world, has happened contrary to the will of God.
“If that were true then that would mean that we have no free will which is obviously not true.”
Of course it’s true. Did Pharaoh have free will? No. God hardened his heart and made him behave in a certain way. Is the Assyrian a tool in God’s hands or isn’t he? Is there anything in the Bible that tells you WE have free will? No there is not. We have freedom to choose. We do not have free will. Our wills are not autonomous. God’s will alone is autonomous and He uses us to further His plans as He sees fit. Whoever told you you have free will lied to you. You have only freedom of choice and that is enough. It is certainly enough to make each of us accountable for the choices we make. And we are each accountable.
“If Stalin and Mao were yah’s will then yah is clearly evil.”
Yet another slander against the Most High. You don’t know enough to say such things. You haven’t thought enough about these issues. There is far more here than you perceive or even are willing to consider. And that makes you a fool of the first order for daring to accuse the limitless Wisdom which presides over all things.
“The good gods would never endorse such a thing.”
There you go again, daring to speak for minds you cannot possibly fathom. Hubris.
“Even if christians are wrong in their beliefs, many of them are good people who do not deserve death…”
Again you speak in direct opposition to the Word of God. ALL men have sinned and ALL men are worthy of death. Messiah alone was without sin and was not worthy of death, but He took to the cross to pay what WE OWE. Everyone else deserves death. Those aren’t easy words to hear Mongoose, but with even the limited wisdom and intelligence we are given we can see the truth of those words.
“…personas like Beef Supreme and his many aliases are always standing in the way of that attempting to keep the cattle corralled.”
If you see my message changing or deviating from the Word of God, then please let me know. And see whether you can answer any of the simple objections raised above. Show me where you proved me wrong about anything and then answer for your slander against God. If you are able.
I’m not so naive as to continue to bang my head against a thick wall. I will let you have the last word as I know that it is important to you.
But just for fun, let us ponder the pharoh of egypt as he agreed to let the israelites go free but the yah hardened pharohs heart so that pharoh would not let them go.
So the great and powerful yah decided to make pharoh not let the israelites go free so that he could murder all of the first born of egypt. I guess the ones that were just born had it coming to huh.
Let me emphasize that pharoh agreed to release the israelites of his own free will but then yah hardened pharohs heart negating pharohs free will in order to punish the people of egypt with death and plagues.
I’m sure that you can make stuff up in order to justify that as well.
When it comes to beef supreme the word of the day is always convolution.
Full Definition of convolution
: a form or shape that is folded in curved or tortuous windings
“I’m not so naive as to continue to bang my head against a thick wall. I will let you have the last word as I know that it is important to you.”
That’s a concession, Mongoose. It’s just one you haven’t the tenacity to convey in its pure form.
“So the great and powerful yah decided to make pharoh not let the israelites go free so that he could murder all of the first born of egypt. I guess the ones that were just born had it coming to huh.”
I guess since it suits your purposes to gloss right over the destruction of any free-will argument here, then you’ll turn your attention to another aspect you think you can use to your advantage. But you’ve come up short yet again because it is only in your hast to impugn the Most High that you fail to see the true message intended for us in what happened in Egypt so long ago. God RAISED UP Pharaoh that He might make His own majesty known to the entire world at that time and ever since. That He might glorify Himself. The death of the first born was, as I’m sure you recall, merely the icing on the cake (as it were); the final in a long string of smitings dealt from on High to the nation of Egypt as a punishment for the lawlessness and rebellion of their ruler – which, as we discussed elsewhere, translates directly to the lawlessness and rebellion of the people. And if you read Scripture carefully, there was more than just that going on. The Most High prevailed against the gods of Egypt. In realms of which we know next to nothing, there was a similar conflict unfolding along the same lines, and the regional principalities and powers over Egypt were defeated in a similar fashion to the fate which befell Pharaoh. All of this served to glorify God.
“Let me emphasize that pharoh agreed to release the israelites of his own free will but then yah hardened pharohs heart…”
Would you listen to yourself? Free will cannot be overridden. If it can be overridden, then by definition it is not free will. Pharaoh had no free will. He had freedom to choose. And even his freedom to choose was, in this case, limited. Why? Because God has all authority over everything, everywhere, at all times. Nothing came upon Pharaoh which he did not deserve. He even deserved more, which is why he most likely abides in Hades at the present. And yes, Pharaoh would have let the Israelites go sooner than he did were it not for God’s hardening. But what happened even after Pharaoh released the Israelites? He changed his mind and pursued them to re-enslave them, or worse. Pharaoh was an evil man who got what he deserved. And, as is always the case, the evil which Pharaoh perpetrated himself and the evil which befell him in turn, served to further God’s purposes in a most spectacular fashion.
“…negating pharohs free will…”
An oxymoronic statement.
“I’m sure that you can make stuff up in order to justify that as well.”
When I am saying exactly what the Bible teaches, what am I making up?
“When it comes to beef supreme the word of the day is always convolution.”
Is that your parting shot then? That’s what you’re reduced to? Have you really exhausted your endurance for sound argumentation so quickly?
About what I expected, to be honest.
Virtually every disagreement, or conflict in all of history has been solved with violence, or the threat of violence. It makes people feel all warm, and snugly to say otherwise, but that just is not true.
People who do not fight evil, allow evil to flourish, and win.
Don’t lose sight of the fact that We the People are the government–at least supposedly so in the US. I’m pretty sure God expects us to fix ourselves.
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anonymous = jokesters
I hope u cause those lazy worthless gov workers nothing but trouble.