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Richard Greenberg reporting for NBCNEWS says, Obama administration officials were so concerned about what would happen to key classified documents related to the Russia probe once President Trump took office that they created a list of document serial numbers to give to senior members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, a former Obama official told NBC News.
Barack Hussein Obama II is an American politician who served as the 44th President of the United States from 2009 to 2017. He is the first African American to have served as president, as well as the first born outside the contiguous United States.
What do you think about this new news concerning Obama? Seemed to be up to no good from the very beginning. Let us know what you think in the comments sections and thanks for stopping by! More breaking news coming your way from BIN soon!
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I cant seem to wonder why you would refure to obama as american he has shown no proof of that but was successfull hideing the fact he went to school on a forien student grant. used a phoney birth certicate a stollen ss number and a phoney selective service card . what the hell is wrong with you phoney bastards?
Why is this POS still alive? Why has he/she not been hung yet for treason along with Hitlery? Both of these pieces of crap have colluded with Russia and China regarding uranium and top secret information passed to foreign countries. This is treason and they must be hung! Hang them now!!!
Hang them now!!!
Trump won’t touch em. Trumps honeymoon has been over for a while now while PIZZAGATE still continues. The South Korean president was arrested and jailed for doing exactly what Hitlery did. She gave information to the enemy who was her secret lesbian lover and is the daughter of a major enemy and she was also caught practicing Satanism. The sth Koreans did all this in one day! Trump is in on it and no political person in America will ever pay for thier crimes. Soon it’s going to be FK TRUMP YOU WERE SUCKED IN AGAIN MURICA. It’s good he’s paid off and brought 60 billion back into your economic shambles though. You only have 99 TRILLION DOLLARS LEFT TO PAY BACK. But all the good deeds IN the world can still be useless because he won’t act on PIZZAGATE or 9/11!
And since when has OSAMA ever been African American? Full Kenyan with fake birth certificate is honestly the biggest presidential scandal I’ve seen in my life. And all you yanks are all LA DE DA about it. With so many guns why hasn’t anyone taken em all out? PUSSIES
You need to eat a Snickers.
I guess maybe you should get over here and take care of it yourself then?
I value my freedom so I’d rather that the legal system take care of it. Not that it ever will though.
Speaking of “PUSSIES” at least we didn’t give up our guns.
Obama was bought up a Muslim. He Studied the Koran. His father was Anti Western. Abama employed Muslims in the Whitrehouse. America needs to expel ALL Muslims BECAUSE THEY WILL TAKE OVER AMERICA. Women will then be 2nd class citizens. Can’t work, Drive, run off with another man unless they want to be stoned to death. Obama, the Clintons, and many in the intelligence services plus some in the DNC and GOP need to be charged with Treason
Obama drinks beer like a fish. He eats ham and eggs for breakfast. He champions women’s rights. He is probably the worst Muslim that I have ever seen.
Good points.
Sounds like the MSM is leading us down the Banana Republic Path. There should be serious charges brought against all previous Administration Personnel and Officials immediately. The news sources who were in collusion with those people to push this propaganda with no basis in fact should also be suspended, fined and possibly brought up on secession charges as enemy’s of the people. To many people are tired of this MSM agenda of obfuscating the truth to favor one political party over another. They are not there to campaign via their news corporations for politicians or social agendas. They are their to report real news … period. It’s time the public start turning them off and cease purchasing their publications until such time the country’s fifth estate gets back to doing the business of reporting news and not making it.
The key question is: who put Obama in office? Was it Soros or someone or group within the deep state that wanted the laws imposed that Obama would be required to implement? The main stream media owners are implicated here,
there is no doubt. Thanks BIN