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Silver Prices to Jump 200%? Two Reasons Why

Thursday, July 23, 2015 5:15
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(Before It's News)

As I write this, silver prices have fallen to $15.00 USD an ounce, down from $48.70 USD an ounce on April 28, 2011. Once you finish reading this, you’ll be scratching your head as to why this is happening, as the supply/demand equation for silver says prices should be much, much higher.

Silver Demand Rising

In June of this year, the U.S. Mint sold 4.84 million ounces of silver in American Eagle coins, the Mint’s biggest sales month for American Eagle coins since January. Month-over-month, in June, sales of silver at the mint increased by 139%; in May, the U.S. Mint sold just 2.02 million ounces of silver in coins. (Source: U.S. Mint, last accessed July 15, 2015.)

Continue Reading>> Silver Prices to Jump 200%? Two Reasons Why

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