(Before It's News)
Copyright 2017, InterAmerica, Inc.
Aside from the loopy fringe that dotes on UFOs, and that ufology is anathema to the very idea(s) of science, UFOs get short shrift from scientists for these reasons….
A lettered response from Steven Weinberg to the editors of The New York Review of Books in the April 6, 2017 issue, brought on by comments about his January article, covered here too, “The Trouble with Quantum Mechanics” bemoans the ongoing discussions (and confusions) about quantum among physicists.
Weinberg cited some of the controversy and ended his missive, on Page 42, with this:
“Jeremy Bernstein … thinks … there is no trouble with quantum mechanics as it stands.”
But then Bernstein offers an anecdote that seems to indicate otherwise:
“A visitor to Einstein’s office in Prague noted that the window overlooked the grounds of an insane asylum. Einstein explained that [the asylum housed] the madmen who did not think about quantum mechanics.”
Physicists are actively engaged in the weird vicissitudes of quantum mechanics; they don’t have time (or desire) to pursue the weird vicissitude of the UFO phenomenon.
Some physicists, whose books are reviewed by Jonathan Taylor, in the issue of TLS (referenced in my previous post here), are immersed in the difficulties with the concept of time, one (James Gleick) writing in his book, Time Travel: A History, “ … no physicist [now] ‘believes in’ absolute time …” [Page 5, TLS, March 10, 2017]
The review, by Taylor, supplies an aggregation of the problems science has with time that was once rather clear from Newton’s “definition” (time called duration) of linear time in Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica [1687].
Time is another ongoing conundrum for science.
Then there are cosmologists, who eschew the idea that UFOs contain alien (extraterrestrial) visitors, seeking hints of life on far-flung planets in our galaxy or the universe altogether. No time (or desire) to knock down a UFO to see what’s inside.
Those scientists in the social or biologic disciplines are overwhelmed with the quirks in humanity, disallowing any time (or desire) to see if UFOs have a relationship to the madnesses or distortions of humanity.
Neurologists and psychologists, not to mention philosophers, are consumed with consciousness: what is it? How does it function? Why?
Of course, you know that many physicists, engineers, computer technicians, et al. are wrapped up in AI (artificial intelligence) or quantum computing, both taking hold in human society whereas UFOs have no such hold on human society, despite the delusion by you and me that UFOs are important or relevant to humanity.
Nope. Science doesn’t have an inclination to pursue UFOs. What’s the payback for doing so?
There are just too many other perturbing aspects of life and civilization that supersede UFOs.
Scientists have neither the time or interest or wherewithal to pursue UFOs. Why would they?
http://ufocon.blogspot.com – The UFO Iconoclast(s)