Nhà nước sẽ hỗ trợ việc sản xuất lương thực trong quốc nội và đồng thời cấm nhập khẩu hạt giống và những lương thực biến đổi gen.
Tưởng cũng nên biết khu vực Âu Châu đặc biệt TRUNG NAM ÂU, có những hiệp ước và luật cấm trồng cấy các loại GMO như Pháp Ý, Áo Đức, Hungary, Ba lan , Hy Lap. Luxembour v.v Còn lại các quốc gia Âu khác đang bị áp lực hoặc cùng hướng lợi nhuận trong kỹ nghệ GMO của Mỹ, như Anh, Tây Ban Nha, Bồ Đào Nha, Thụy Điển, Phân Lan hà Lan v.v chưa có nỗ lực đấu tranh của dân chúng và nông gia chống lại hiểm họa thực phẩm di tính nhân tạo này
Austria: Ban on cultivation of Monsanto’s maize MON 810, MON 863 and T25
Notified in June 1999, initially under Article 16 of Directive 90/220/EEC, and subsequently maintained in February 2004 under Article 23 of Directive 2001/18/EC;
France: Ban on cultivation of Monsanto’s maize MON 810.
Notified in February 2008, under Article 23 of Directive 2001/18/EC; and under EU Regulation 1829/2003
Germany: in April 2009 the agriculture Minister, Ms. Aigner, announced a ban on cultivation and sale of MON 810
Greece: Ban on cultivation of Monsanto’s maize MON 810.
Application lodged in April 2005 under Article 18 of Directive 2002/53/EC, and subsequently in January 2006 extended/maintained the measure under Article 23 of Directive 2001/18/EC;
Hungary: Ban on cultivation of Monsanto’s maize MON 810.
Notified in September 2006, under Article 23 of Directive 2001/18/EC;
Ban on cultivation and commercial use of potato Amflora
Notified in June 2010Italy: (Updated in Aug 2014)
General ban on cultivation of GE corn MON810
Notified by inter-ministerial decree (Health-Environment-Agriculture Ministers) entered into force in August 2013. This ban will stay in place till will be taken – at European level -steps connected to art. 54, comma 3 regulament 178/2002 (CE) and anyway not more than 18 months.
Luxembourg : Ban on cultivation of Monsanto’s maize MON 810.
Notified in March 2009, under Directive 2001/18/EC
Ban on cultivation and commercial use of potato Amflora
Notified in June 2010 Poland: (Updated in July 2014)
Ban on cultivation of Monsanto’s maize MON 810. Application lodged in January 2013 under Article 16 of Directive 2002/53/EC (The EU’s Seeds Directive). The ban under the Seeds Directive affects all MON 810 varieties.
Ban on cultivation of BASF’s potato Amflora. Application lodged in January 2013 under Article 16 of Directive 2002/53/EC (The EU’s Seeds Directive).
Romania: Ban on cultivation of MON 810 maize announced by Environment minister Korodi on 27 March 2008.
The Romanian government has indicated that it intends to install the ban on the same legal grounds as France: under Article 23 of Directive 2001/18/EC; and under EU Regulation 1829/2003. Enactment of the ban is expected in April 2008.
Switzerland: (Updated in July 2014)
In 2005, the Swiss voted by referendum a 5-year moratorium against the commercial cultivation of GM crops and animals. The Swiss government decided to extend this moratorium till 2013.
In 2012 the Swiss Parliament voted for a second extention of the moratorium until December 2017.
Thank you Greenpeace for helping us to update this page.
Europäische Konferenz der gentechnikfreien Regionen, für lebendige Vielfalt und ländliche EntwicklungAm 4. und 5. September 2012 fand in Brüssel die 7. Konferenz der gentechnikfreien Regionen mit 200 Teilnehmern aus 33 Ländern statt. Nach intensiven Workshops und Vorträgen sowie der traditionelle GMO-free Party im “mundo b” am ersten Tag, folgten Debatten und Präsentationen im Europäischen Parlament. Mehr Informationen gibt es hier.
Theo http://chuquyencanhan.blogspot.it/2014/10/cam-trong-va-nhap-nhung-hat-giong-bien.html