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Leaves his current campaign to be re-elected next Spring in tatters
Nicolas Sarkozy is set to stand criminal trial for running a corrupt campaign to become president of France
Nicolas Sarkozy is set to stand criminal trial for running a corrupt campaign to become president of France.
It comes after Paris prosecutors placed the 61-year-old conservative under formal investigation for illegal financing, and recommended he should appear as a defendant in court.
Despite the ongoing enquiry, the leader of the Republic Party was convinced he could still become head of state again next year.
Now, however, Mr Sarkozy is expected to reconsider his options after being indicted for ‘financing an illegal campaign’, which could carry a prison sentence.
Alleged false accounting, fraud and breach of trust are all elements in the so-called Bygmalion Affair.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3774338/Nicolas-Sarkozy-stand-trial-financing-illegal-election-campaign-French-prosecutors-announce.html#ixzz4JZOPdyFi
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