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By John Ale (Reporter)
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Gunshots Heard On Capitol Hill as Security Orders Everyone Off the Street

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 7:36
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SHOTS have been heard at the US Capitol in Washington with reports of streets being cleared around the Government building. People were cleared from the streets as pictures from the scene show cops swarming close to the Capitol. 

According to CBS ” Police say a driver struck a U.S. Capitol Police cruiser near the U.S. Capitol and was taken into custody. Authorities say a driver struck a Capitol police cruiser and tried to run over officers at around 10 a.m. Wednesday morning near the Botanic Gardens. Authorities confirmed police fired a weapon. It was not immediately clear how many shots were fired.”

People were cleared from the streets as police pursued the attacker on foot after he leaped from his car. One picture shows police officers hunched over something on the ground with more cops rushing to join them.

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