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By John Ale (Reporter)
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Jason A Video: Tim Allen Exposes the Illuminati in Hollywood

Sunday, March 26, 2017 18:50
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Hellywood is a tool of Satan to brainwash people to hate God and to program them subconsciously to accept the mark of the best & Anti-Christ.

We should expose a sinister plot from the satanic illuminati cult running Hellywood! They want to mock the return of Christ and have people enjoy this “entertainment”. 

The hollywood propaganda machine is pumbing out movie after movie on end time events on the apocalypse on the end of the world hollywood influence is obviously of antichrist we who are in the truth must understand where truth is it is in Gods Word it is not in illuminati hollywood brainwashing propaganda what should our response be to sit down and enjoy the lies of the enemy because it pleases our flesh.

Even luke warm professors of Christ are noticing as seen in this article: The current cinematic climate seems intent on driving home at least one thing lately: The end is nigh, apocalypse: now. This Is The End is the latest in a series of films that traffic in the language and vocabulary of the end times for dramatic effect.

Jason A

The Vigilant Christian

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