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By John Ale (Reporter)
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Pope Francis Rejects “Messiah”, Suggests it Is Incompatible with Christian Values

Saturday, March 25, 2017 11:59
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Pope Francis has spoken about his experience in matters of faith crises and opened up about “empty moments,” while also stressing that he is a “sinner” and “fallible,” in an interview with a German newspaper.

He goes on to suggest that a “Messiah” Is Incompatible with Christian Values! This has many seeing him for what he really is! Is the Pope really a follower of Jesus Christ? Why he is against what Jesus was trying to teach us? 

Pope Francis said “We mustn’t forget that any form of idealization of a human being always brings a subliminal brand of aggression with it as well. If I am idealized I feel under attack, I don’t see myself as anything special…I’m a sinner, I’m fallible,” the 80-year-old pontiff continued.

He went on to warn against the dangers of populism, calling it “evil.” “Populism is evil and ends badly, as has been shown by the past century,” he said.


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Total 5 comments
  • The Pope Does Not Want You To Know This! Bombshell! Christians and Non-Christians BEWARE!

  • “Francis” is an anti-pope.

  • This rejection is not surprising since the Roman Catholic Church was established early by crypto-Jews as a false “Christian” front for their Babylonian religion.

    Both Judaism and Catholicism are based upon Babylonian mysteries, embodied in the Cabala.

    From the beginning, the Christian church was in a spiritual struggle against Judaism. Judaism could not win in a head-to-head spiritual contest against Christianity, so it was necessary for the Jews to throw their efforts behind undermining the Christian church by injecting it with the Judaic contagion – the Biblical “Leaven of the Pharisees” that Jesus constantly warned against.

    Their long-term strategy was to change the Christian church from the inside-out, to align more closely with their Judaic/Babylonian theosophy.

    The Judaizing strategy resulted ultimately in the establishment of the Catholic Church. There is historical evidence for the common Babylonian lineage between Judaism and Roman Catholicism.

    After the fall of Jerusalem, Cabalistic Jews migrated to Alexandria where they synthesized their Chaldean witchcraft with Neo-Platonic philosophy and cloaked that religion in Christian terminology.

    They then tried to introduce this new heathen gnostic philosophy into the fledgling Christian Church. The penetration of the true spiritual church of Christ was futile. What this Jewish gnosticism did accomplish was the creation of a new ersatz “Christian” church, which grew into what we know today as the Roman Catholic Church.

    These facts have been largely concealed from the historical accounts of the Catholic Church.

  • The POPE is an ignorant person leading ignorant people. If this jerk threw off his beany and his superman cape and become willing to be a son of God as you and I, I would introduce him as my brother.


    Do I get an AMEN ?

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