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Truth About Palestine Leftists Don’t Want You To Know

Wednesday, March 29, 2017 8:47
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Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective

It bears repeating often regarding Palestine and the so-called “Palestinians” that the entire thing is a construct by those opposed to God and His agenda. What is clear today is that those who are constantly pushing for a two-state solution in Israel have no real understanding of the facts involved. People are continually ignoring truth in favor of lies in order to advance the lie that Palestine belongs to “Palestinians.” They do this because they are blind and they are blind because they have consistently and continually rejected God (Romans 1).

First and foremost, people referred to as “Palestinians” are simply Arabs. It is important to understand that going back to the Old Testament days, a group of people called the Philistines inhabited that area of Land. However, that area of land was part of the land that God had promised to give to Abraham’s descendants. Why? Because the Philistines, like virtually every other culture then had become a stench to God’s nostrils (figuratively speaking). Because of the sin and corruption evidenced by the people living throughout the Land that God had earmarked for Israel, God’s intent was to use the nation of Israel to root those other cultures/groups out and/or destroy them from the Land.

What people do not understand (because they do not believe in God or in His Word), is that this earth belongs to God. He, as Maker of heaven and earth and everything else within His Creation including animals and people, has the right to do whatever He chooses to do with any portion of this earth.

A Psalm of David. The earth is the LORD’S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. – Psalm 24:1 KJV

There is nothing in any portion of His Creation that He did not make and/or does not fully own. If God then chose to eradicate groups from a particular geographical location on this earth to make way for a nation that He would create from the seed of Abraham (and Isaac, Jacob, and his twelve sons, the patriarchs), that is completely for God to decide. As stated, people who do not “get it” are those who simply don’t believe in God or His purposes. That, however, makes not one bit of difference to God at all.

Those who stand opposed to God are seen for what they are and unfortunately, because of their opposition to God and His purposes, they have been deceived into believing lies. Those lies include belief in the following:

  1. Israel no longer has any claim on their Land
  2. “Palestinians” have the right to at least some of that Land
  3. “Palestinians” are a people who have been badly mistreated by Israel
  4. “Palestinians” must share in any solution to the Middle East peace process

The claim that Israel has no right to exist on the full area of Land given to her by God in the Old Testament simply does not apply today for most people. There is no God, therefore, the Old Testament covenants that God made with Israel do not apply. This is how many – including social Jews; Jews in name only who tend to be very liberal to left-leaning. These Jews see Israel as creating problems for all Jews. These social Jews don’t care about the Land Covenant from Genesis. They see the constant antagonisms and angst in the Middle East as creating major problems for Jews in society.

Orthodox Jews or even those who are very conservative in their beliefs politically believe that Israel has a right to the Land or at least some of it. In 1948 when the UN gave permission for Israel to once again become a nation, at that time a two-state solution was offered to Arabs then. It was roundly rejected by Arabs. In fact, Arabs there have always refused a state making it clear they are not interested in a two-state solution, but prefer Israel and all Jews to be removed from that area of the world.

Over the years since 1948, there has been constant conflicts and problems in the Middle East with the many Arab nations surrounding Israel continuing to create problems for Israel. Things came to a head in 1967 with the Six-Day War, in which Arab nations attacked Israel without provocation on the Sabbath. While it appeared that Israel was losing, within a week or so, Israel gained the upper hand, turned things around and won that battle. Because of it, Israel gained even more land than she had been given in 1948.

Immediately, the Arab nations cried foul and demanded their land be returned to them. Israel has acquiesced on numerous occasions over the years, releasing land legally captured during war back to Arabs. This is something no Arab nation would have done had things been reversed.

While I hear constantly the argument/belief that Israel’s presence today in the Middle East as a nation is simply an “accident,” (even among Bible believers), the truth is that except for God’s intervention and protection of Israel, that nation would not have continued to exist today. In fact, without God’s continued protection, Israel would have not only not made gains, but would have been destroyed a long time ago. It seems clear, based on the continued existence of Israel and the covenantal promises and prophecies related to Israel in His Word, that God has a plan and purpose for Israel that will yet be fulfilled. In fact, final and ultimate fulfillment of prophecies in God’s Word related to Israel will occur during the upcoming Millennial Kingdom over which Jesus Himself will physically rule.

But let’s consider the “Palestinians,” a people that are believed to have a claim on the land of Palestine. In reality, there has never been a culture or nation known as Palestine. There has never been a king over a land called Palestine. In the Old Testament, that area of land was referred to as Canaan. Moreover, there is no unique language or culture for the “Palestinians.” Years ago, anyone living in Palestine – whether Jew or Gentile (Arab) was simply called a “Palestinian.”

So one might ask how the Arab people living in Palestine got the name “Palestinian” to the exclusion of everyone else, especially Jews? We can thank Yassar Arafat for co-opting the name “Palestinian” and applying it only to Arab people living in Palestine.

The 1948 Israeli War of Independence was between the neighboring Arab countries and the newly formed state of Israel. The Arab countries did not send troops to help the people that are today known as ‘Palestinians’ but rather they sent troops to drive the Jews into the sea. Most of the ‘Palestinian Arabs’ fled to avoid the fighting. Remember, in 1948 they were not referred to as ‘Palestinians’. This name was created by the Soviet disinformation masters in 1964 when they created the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). The term ‘Palestinian People’ as a description of Arabs in Palestine appeared for the first time in the preamble of the 1964 PLO Charter, drafted in Moscow. The Charter was affirmed by the first 422 members of the Palestinian National Council, handpicked by the KGB. This term was formally used by newspapers around the world after 1967. (Numerous links to other articles in the quote above at original site.)

A perfect example of how people believe Israel should recognize the “Palestinians” today. Notice also that the individual is very likely Jewish himself.

So because of the PLO (and allegedly Russian involvement), attention began to focus away from Jews living in Palestine and solely onto Arabs living there. It was actually a tremendously successful PR ploy that has managed to stick even today with so many who have no knowledge of these events, believing that the area of Palestine belongs solely to Arabs and Jewish presence with the state of Israel has displaced these Arabs. Now, all Arabs want is their “homeland,” which is not their homeland in the first place.

As noted at the beginning of this article, the people who were a heavy presence in the area of Palestine centuries ago were called the Philistines. You’ll recall Samson and Delilah? Samson spent his years as a judge in Israel fighting a continuing battle against the Philistines (Judges 16 and following).

Ultimately, the Philistine people became extinct. Though Arabs try to link themselves back to the Philistines, there is no connection at all. However, it was way back in AD 60 when Judah lost its independence to Rome that the name “Palestine” started to be used to help move things away from any connection with Israel or Jews there. This is when things began to move away from Israel having Palestine as part of her territory.

It wasn’t until the 7th century that Muslims actually went to that area during the time the Crusades and pushed the Crusaders out in defeat. Many centuries later, during the Ottoman Empire (Muslim caliphate), Muslims captured that area of the world and held it until 1917. Even then Jews were invited and/or allowed to remain.

The truth is that the people called “Palestinians” are a construct, a PR creation to advance an ideology and narrative that deposes Israel and Jews living in the Middle East. It is also important to understand why Israel continues to exist and the plans God has for Israel’s future. For a detailed explanation of this, please refer to the 10-part series on the Millennial Kingdom.

Christians should certainly support the state of Israel, not because Jews today are somehow supporting God’s plan, but because of what God plans on doing in and through Israel in the future. Many to most Jews today need salvation and like Gentiles, those who reject that salvation die into eternity facing judgment and a terrible eternity.

To see what God is doing in Israel is exciting because we are living in the days when God is moving, when He is fulfilling His covenantal promises to and for Israel. As we read in Ezekiel numerous times, God will fulfill His promises not for Israel’s sake, but for the sake of His holy Name (cf. Ezekiel 20:14; 36:22, see also Isaiah 48:9-11; 49:3; 2 Kings 19:34; etc.).

We would do well to remember that God is in charge. If we focus too much on human beings and events created by people, we may find ourselves losing hope in certain areas. Our focus should be on God, His purposes and plans, and His ability to bring those plans to complete fruition in spite of what puny man thinks he can accomplish!

God is sovereign. He acts of His own volition. He fulfills the promises He makes and He does so all for the sake of His holy Name. Let us never forget that.

Theology and Politics from a Conservative, Biblical Perspective


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