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Yesterday, as I was driving, I was listening to Arizona’s top news station (MSM) KTAR radio and the morning host, Jim Sharp, was expressing concern over the fascination of Google and Facebook with what might loosely be called mind control technology. Sharp expressed concern that this could lead to pre-crime screening and arrests. He was concerned about our most private place, our minds. Please keep in mind, this is a main stream media outlet and concern was expressed over this development.
Facebook, (i.e. Spybook) is opening a division of research with the NSA. And what are they researching? The use of mind-reading on social media. This sounds incredible, but it is unquestionably true. Here are the details.
Even the UK’s Register, expressed concern as Eyefluence, is a three-year-old scompany that develops eye-interaction software for virtual reality and augmented reality applications, said it is joining Google.
“With our forces combined, we will continue to advance eye-interaction technology to expand human potential and empathy on an even larger scale,” Eyefluence said in a blog post. “We look forward to the life-changing innovations we’ll create together!”
A Google spokesperson confirmed the deal to The Register but declined to elaborate on its plans for the company. No price was disclosed.
Google has had an interest in eye tracking for years, because the technology offers a window into what people are thinking.
“To help us get some insight into this split-second decision-making process, we use eye-tracking equipment in our usability labs,” explained Anne Aula and Kerry Rodden, Google user experience researchers, in a 2009 blog post. “This lets us see how our study participants scan the search results page, and is the next best thing to actually being able to read their minds.”
I have been following the subject of mind control since I began teaching in the 1980’s. First There was Jose Delgado in 1961 when he defeated a bull, in a bull fight, through frequency exposure. Delgado later went to work for the CIA.
There there was the work of Dr. Nick Begich in which he cataloged such things as voice to skull technology in which he could beam voices inside the head of a person and make them believe that this was real. The demonstrations by Begich were so powerful that the European Parliament banned such work based on Begich’s presentation. Begich later uncovered patents which showed that mood alteration was possible on a wide scale basis from HAARP and chemtrails. Through their patent applications, the government is admitting that the advancements in mind control are real.
Where is the proof?
In the 1960’s, Spanish neurologist, Jose Delgado was involved in a noteworthy bullfight. Without any real bullfighting training, he bravely stepped into the ring with a very dangerous and deadly bull. However, Delgado had a secret weapon. He had previously implanted a radio-equipped electrode which was implanted into the bull’s limbic system (i.e. emotional center of the brain) which he called “stimoceivers.” Delgado subsequently demonstrated that he could manipulate an organism’s mind and body via remote control technology. Thus, as the bull charged, an invasive electrical signal penetrated the bull’s limbic system and the bull calmly broke off the attack in mid-charge.
Delgado found that by stimulating different regions of the limbic system, which controls emotion, Delgado could also induce fear, rage and a variety of other emotions, that he was able to manipulate the type and intensity of emotional reactions. Thus, Delgado discovered the fine art of mind control.
Intrigued by his work, Delgado was invited to teach and be a guest lecturer at such prominent universities such as Harvard and Yale. However, in 1968, Delgado went to work at the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) and this is where much of his research trail grows cold. We now know that SRI was a CIA front and was connected to the MK Ultra experiments. In 1974, Delgado abruptly returned to Spain and later became an outspoken opponent of mind control and its potential for harm and misuse by totalitarian societies. Perhaps, he was not on board with the CIA and what they eventually had planned for the American people.
In cats, monkeys, bulls and even humans he repeatedly demonstrated that he could control emotion and ultimately behavior. . In one experiment, Delgado stimulated the temporal lobe of a 21-year-old epileptic woman while she was calmly playing a guitar; in response, she flew into a rage and smashed her guitar against a wall, narrowly missing a researcher’s head. Perhaps the most medically promising finding was that stimulation of a limbic region called the septum could trigger euphoria, strong enough in some cases to counteract depression and even physical pain.
Later Delgado was able to impact the hypothalamus of a cat and induce uncontrollable rage in the animal. Keep in mind that this technology is over 60 years old. One can only imagine how far this technology has come during that time.
Delgado’s famous bull fight and the angry cat are depicted in the following video.
The lesson is clear, embedded chips can turn normal people into crazed killers and it can take crazed killers and turn them into passive beings. Interestingly, the most famous graduate of the MK Ultra program was the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski.
Many are predicting that biometrics will be required to access the Internet. The fact is that some what your biometric information because this is the first step in gaining control over your mind. The main threat to humanity lies in the fact that the technology exists to control all of human behavior at one time. A reasonable person would certainly ask “how is that possible?” To answer that question, I refer the readers to Nick Begich’s website in which he details how mass electrical signals can beamed up from an array of antenna and bounced off the ionosphere in either a narrow beam covering a specific and defined geographic area, or it can be reflected back to earth in a broad beam application in which millions could be impacted by one electrical signal designed to change human behavior. We know this technology as Project HAARP.
United States Patent 5,159,703, Lowery, October 27, 1992, Silent Subliminal Presentation System, Inventors: Lowery, Oliver M. Appl. No. 458339 Filed December 28, 1989, discusses the microwave technology necessary for mind control. In this patent, we witness the move from the mind control of certain individuals who might have been programmed, which is frightening enough, to witnessing entire populations being controlled. The patent discusses the possibility of impacting millions at a time. The net effect of the technology is enhanced when there is a transducer in the body such as an embedded microchip.
Particularly revealing in the arena of mind control, is Dr. Begich’s work on voice to skull technology. In 1997, he displayed this technology for the European Parliament who promptly issued a ban on the use of the technology. Unfortunately, the technology has moved forward in recent years despite the ban.
Before you write to me and state that this could never happen, please spend 30 minutes on the Begich website, and analyze the validity of his observations. Begich has done a detailed analysis of the patents associated with HAARP, and very clear conclusions about the intent of these technologies can easily be made after examining the facts. Most awake people are aware that HAARP is a weather modification device. However, as a result of my research, I have come to the conclusion that HAARP’s biggest danger to humanity is the mind-control potential related to this technology. Sadly, Dr. Nick Begich has been warning us about this potential for 19 years and it is only now that significant numbers of researchers are starting to pay attention.
In his later years, and after working for the CIA for over 40 years in perfecting this technology, Dr. Delgado was very critical about the distinct lack of Bioethics and consumer protection with regard to these technologies. Until his death a few years ago, Delgado remained particularly critical of technologies which can change human nature. Delgado, stated the following:
“This technology has two sides, for good and for bad, and we should do what we can do to avoid the adverse consequences. We should try to prevent potentially destructive technologies from being abused by authoritarian governments to gain more power or by terrorists to wreak destruction. However, Delgado is a realist as he postulates “can you avoid knowledge? You cannot! Can you avoid technology? You cannot! Things are going to go ahead in spite of ethics, in spite of your personal ethics.”
The above quote from Delgado is a very ominous warning about how serious the subject of mind control is about to to become for every person. After researching Delgado’s past, it is clear that he felt the same about mind control as Einstein felt about the unveiling of nuclear weapons.
A newly released study showed that mind control has just crossed the threshold and the results are described below. When one extrapolates what this means to humanity, the implications are frightening.
In a recent interview I conducted with Joshua Coy, he revealed that HAARP mind control experiments are taking place at a large Alaskan FEMA facility. This is sensitive information as our interview was terminated before the conclusion and we were unable to contact each other for 2 days. In other words, it is a sensitive subject.
Some would call this 1984. We have gone way beyond 1984. Some would say this is a Brave New World. However, this is nothing in literature, or even science fiction that can adequately describe where this is headed. And sadly, this is an under-reported phenomenon. Those of us that have our nose inside the greatest corruption scandals, might be well-advised to pay attention to what is going here.
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And I Heard In My Hearing, “I Will Finish All Schools,” (seen as transgender traps for children), Apb
-Holy Spirit warn of this, abominations coming into our homes, when my children who’re now grown with grown children, said by these wicked devices we happily, proudly and widely celebrate as modern technology, this greatest of achievement, event beyond the skies above. The warning, just as I finished praying for my children was how something seemingly so regular and naturally advancing, again come into the home via these visual aids so non suspected would be as dangerous and deadly as placing a gun to our children heads and pulling the trigger. Now with guns plaguing the churches, the home, schools, the work place, etc, do we care to attempt to calculate how many children are dead by gun violence this lone grim reaper, since the mid eighties?
-I never considered it until now, but this is possibly why now 2011, Holy Spirits preposition such reaping of corruption as a question, and I quote. Well first, setting a prophetic stage, I’d open the frig, I was giving then Grand son and Grand niece, three years each, now seven, something to drink. So now this odd inquiry, and I quote, ‘do they know, (meaning now, the children’s, children), do their parents know, that although they grew up in free territory, that although, you, their parents grew up in free territory, that they will grow in in occupied territory, in an occupied America?
-What this all mean, even this astonishing outright reveal is, when Jesus lamented and knowledge shall increase, obviously like the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Once fallen, and having their minds darken, Adam and Eve would need a descending Holy Spirit to decipher it’s morsels of Righteousness. Herein great Knowledge, as in wicked creations mounting wasn’t a good thing, there is only one good man, way, truth and that’s Jesus, and by His Blood only, we’re made the Righteous Will, Way of God through Him. Beware, Apb, The RAM, see
Methinks the signals you are talking about are radio and TV signals. What people watch and hear that is controlling their behavior.
That’s the mind control I think you are talking about. Very subtlety done.
You Are Mind Controlled. Biggest Government Violation of All Time! Now Revealed!
I think that if you calm down yourself, avoiding all and any emotions, you can think only in your soul and spirit without your brain. That way, your brain is passive and does not send nor receive any electromagnetic signals. The voice to skull technology could be fruitless also by doing that. I am not an expert in such a thinking but I am learning and exercising. The Holy Spirit sent by Jesus Christ can help me and lead me.
You’re comment is not entirely incorrect only that you may not truly believe the last line of what you wrote
I get very angry when I see little Children and Innocent Human Beings, being blown to bits and starved to death, animals being abused and slaughtered for fun, the Planet torn apart and the sea destroyed along with all it holds
That’s just my view of things and since you are a practicing emotionless or have a lack of Love and Compassion for all of Gods Creations, it will be pretty hard to walk in Spirit