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Voice of Iran** Rafsanjani died at age 82 Rafsanjani died and one of the two pillars of the Iranian mullahs’regime crumbled.

Sunday, January 8, 2017 14:25
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Voice of Iran

Rafsanjani died at age 82

Rafsanjani died and one of the two pillars of the Iranian mullahs’ regime crumbled.

With the death of Rafsanjani, one of the pillars of the religious fascism ruling Iran and the counterbalance to the regime has crumbled which hastens the downfall of the mullahs’ regime. During past 38 years, both duding Khomeini’s time and after that, Rafsanjani had one of the highest and most important roles in internal suppression and exporting terrorism and efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, ‘Rafsanjani was always the number one man in the mullahs’ regime and acted as the counterbalance to that regime. He had a pivotal role in keeping the system going. The Iranian regime is now lost its balance both internally and internationally.’ 

Source: care for Humans in Iran

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