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America First: Trump Weighing Executive Order That Could Result In New Tariffs

Monday, April 10, 2017 8:09
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America First. Shouldn’t that be the guiding philosophy of every President?

“Trump Weighing Executive Order That Could Result In New Tariffs,” by Kaitlan Collins, Daily Caller, April 10, 2017:

According to what an administration official told Reuters Sunday, the White House is considering launching an investigation into foreign trade practices to determine if the dumping of goods in the U.S. by foreign companies contributes to the trade deficit. Depending on what the investigation finds, it could result in penalties on trading partners that produce steel, aluminum and household appliances.

“The administration would use the results of that investigation to determine the best path forward, which could include everything from no action at all to the levying of supplemental duties,” an official told Reuters. “But whichever action we take would be informed by the results of the investigation and not by predetermined conclusions.”…


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