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ISIS Terrorists Rip Fetus From Woman’s Stomach and ‘Raped the Baby’

Monday, April 10, 2017 8:17
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A Yazidi woman who was caught and held captive by ISIS terrorists for weeks shared her tale of tragedy and slavery during the recent Women in the World Summit — and as horrific as her story was, her translator told one that was worse.

The translater, according to the New York Times, spoke of a friend who was pregnant in 2010 and unable to flee an ISIS assault.

Yazidi women who refused to be raped by their Islamic tormenters were sent to their deaths.

The friend was captured and this is what happened to her, the translator said:

“Extremist fighters, [the translator] explained, sliced open her friend’s stomach and took out the fetus. ‘They raped the baby, and they raped her, and they thought she was dead so they left her behind,’” the New York Times reported.

Her remarks came after those of Shireen Ibrahim, a Yazidi woman who spoke at the summit of her own eight months of ISIS enslavement.

From the New York Times:

“The Yazidi woman wept at times while describing the eight months she spent enslaved by ISIS, and how the persecuted minority is enduring the attempted genocide.

“Speaking on Friday to the Women in the World Summit, in Kurdish with activist Feryal Pirali as her translator, Ibrahim recounted how the trauma began when she tried to flee Islamic State militants in August 2014. Having heard of the atrocities committed by the group, she and her family were desperate to hide from the genocidal extremists.

“‘They captured me when we were running to the mountains,’ Ibrahim said in her interview with Women for Women International founder Zainab Salbi. She and her family were taken taken back their hometown of Sinjay, in Iraqi Kurdistan. There, they were held as slaves. Only half of the 40 family members taken prisoner remain alive today.

“In captivity, Ibrahim was forced to convert to Islam. She also witnessed the extremists kill some of her friends. To avoid being raped, Ibrahim first pretended to be married to her cousin. But the ruse did not work for long. After two months the ISIS fighters discovered she had lied and forcibly separated her from her cousin. “They did not believe me and they took him,” Ibrahim said. She never saw him again.

“Ibrahim said she never was raped, but she was subject to abuse. Once, after she tried to escape, her captors “did every bad thing they could do to me.”

“Ibrahim was sold and resold repeatedly. At one point, however, she became so sick that her owner let her go free. Today she lives with some of her family members in northern Iraq in a camp for Yazidi victims of ISIS violence.”


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