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Cop Puts Gun To Man’s Head Over Parking Violation [Picture]

Sunday, January 10, 2016 10:23
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You don’t have to look far for a conspiracy these days not everyone who believes governments lie are a few bricks short of a load.  Many of the  are absoletely right.  Take the case of alunatic cop who put a gun to a woman’s head for a parking violation.  Even other cops thought he was a wackjob–they supplied vifeo of the incident to the prosecutor, who charged the lunatup with 

A court in Upper Marlboro sentenced an ex-police officer to a five-year prison term for assault. A judge found former officer Jenchesky Santiago guilty of misconduct and mishandling a handgun. Officer Santiago was involved in an incident where he ordered a man back to his car accusing him of illegal parking.

In the incident, captured on cell phone, Santiago could be seen ordering the man to get back into his car. All the while, aiming his gun on the victim’s head. According to prosecutors, the officer had accused the man of parking his vehicle illegally. The prosecution side refuted the accusation. Last month, police from Prince George County provided a video footage of the incident initially recorded on a cell phone.

The incident occurred in May 2014 in Bowie, Maryland. In their submission, the prosecutors said that Santiago approached William Cunningham, who was in his car at the time with his cousin. It was then that the officer approached the car and kept on asking the two to state their mission. Santiago further insisted that the way Cunningham had parked his car was illegal.



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