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The Oregon Militia and the Independent Media have forced Obama and the mainstream media out of the closet as they are forced to address our concerns.
Last night, CNN displayed The Common Sense Show website on the Anderson Cooper Show. Of course, CNN, aka, The Communist News Network is no stranger to the obfuscating the truth and employing every Nazi trick of propaganda.
As a rule of thumb and deference to the strong Christian principles which dominate the philosophy of The Common Sense Show, our official position is based on achieving solutions through nonviolence means.
The coming tragedy in Oregon is about much more than property right rights and malicious prosecution by the federal government. Yes, the Oregon Militia members are right, it is time to stand up the encroaching dictatorship we call the Obama administration. However, the needless sacrifice of 150 brave lives will not help America regain its foundational principles related to our lost civil liberties. The Oregon Militia is fighting this battle on the turf of the enemy and is playing right into the strength of federal government. The feds have more men, more guns, better guns and they have the bulk of the media on their side. The militia members are fighting a physical war. However, the forces that underlie the Obama administration are Satanic in nature. As I said, this is so much more about the spiritual realm than it is the physical realm.
The Oregon Militia has the eyes of the world slowly turning upon them. CNN, FOX, NBC, etc., are being forced to show the country that there area significant number of people ready to stand up to tyranny, but these brave men do not have to lay down their lives to accomplish this goal, they are already winning.
I returned home last night to over 300 emails which were very similar to the following email:
Dear Dave,
Did anybody else tell you that you that the Common Sense Show was on CNN and Anderson Cooper? When they have to mention you, then you are winning. Keep kicking their asses Dave. Lynch and Obama are being outed in front of the world.
Jeff Blakely
I have longed to write these words:
In an interview with Anderson Cooper, President Obama was forced by inference to acknowledge Infowars and Alex Jones as accusing Obama of wanting to ferment gun confiscation and unilateral NDAA type of imposed martial law against those who would protest his policies.
Here is a quote from Infowars related to this matter:
Much like the Wizard of Oz, President Obama asked Americans to ignore “some website” showcasing the “conspiracy” by the Obama administration to disarm Americans and condition the country for martial law.
Can you believe that Obama was forced to address the allegations of the Independent Media on CNN? This is the impact that Steve Quayle, Alex Jones, Doug Hagmann are having on the political landscape. The other side is being forced to acknowledge that the Independent Media is pursuing truthful and repetitive charges of continual Constitutional violations by the Obama administration.
Mr. Obama, when you were on CNN, why did not tell America about the NDAA which allows YOU to secretly arrest and detain, without due process, anyone of your choosing? That is MARTIAL LAW Mr. President. How dare you forsake your oath to protect and defend the Constitution from enemies both foreign and domestic. Mr. President, you are that domestic enemy.
When you were stuttering for the right words on Anderson Cooper, why did you not tell the American people that this country is already under soft martial law?
Most experts agree that hard core martial contains the following 17 essential elements:
1-Mass roundup and/or execution of political dissidents
2-Dusk to dawn curfews
3-Rationing of essential resources
4-The seizing of personal assets such as food and water
5-Control over all food and water
6-The prohibition of weapons of any kind including guns, knives or chemicals which can be turned into explosives
7-The confiscation of property, homes and businesses
8-Arrests without due process
9-Massive “papers please” checkpoints with intrusive searches
10-Forced relocation
11-Forced conscription into various labor camps and even into the military
12-Outlawing of free speech
13-The installation of massive surveillance programs and the establishment of snitch programs
14-The total control or elimination of religion
15-Control of the media
16-Executions without due process of law
17-Total suspension of the Constitution
How many of these 17 elements do you see in part or in full from this administration? If you are not certain about Obama’s complicity in implementing soft martial law, then take the time to read Obama’s Executive Order 13603. This is what he plans to do to America. Your own words convict you Mr. President. You are not just after the guns, you are after every civil liberty. Yes, Mr. President, you are involved in a conspiracy to disarm all Americans on an incremental basis. Your Attorney General, Loretta Lynch(mob) is threatening to erase the First Amendment by arresting any journalist who dares to report on the real phenomenon of Muslim extremism. And your administration is preparing to murder 150 Patriots who have enough of your land-grabbing BLM policies and malicious federal prosecution against rancher whose land you want to steal.
The Oregon Militia and the Independent Media has forced Obama and corporate controlled media to respond and to acknowledge our existence. The Independent Media needs double its efforts in exposing tyranny as we have a whole new set of listeners and readers, thanks to Anderson Cooper and President Obama.
These brave militia members do not have to die. However, we need to ultimately realize that we are in a battle of good vs. evil, and evil is winning hands down.
I am calling for a constant around the clock prayer vigil for the safety of the Oregon Militia. I am also calling for thousands of Americans to descend upon Burns, Oregon in support of the Patriots but do not go with armed with guns, go armed with Bibles. Quote scripture about tyranny. Expose the evils of the Obama administration. Show the world that we are God-fearing peaceful people. Show the world that we are reasonable and only want the rule of law to be followed. Show the world that we have sold our national soul to an administration that spits on our Christianity and Constitutional principals. Show the World that we are as mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore.
I think all this Totalitarianism is due to the Elitists OVERPOPULATION IDEOLOGY worldwide , and they are slowing rolling up the Sidewalks on Liberty Avenue for the Individual !!!!!
Specifics for Sheriffs and Federal Agents Regarding the Difference Between “Law Enforcement” and “Peacekeeping” – by Judge Anna Maria Riezinger
Feds plan to use two stage tactic, first local police force backed with few agents will be pushed forward in ground intrusion with light, sirens and in unarmored cars and no tactical planning and with no air support, in hope that they become massacred by the militia. Then after media offensive, National guard will be used to seal off everything and ensure media blackout, afterward in next day in dawn low flying choppers will use machine guns and rockets to level everything… Day after, with another executive order, nation wide strike (Jade Helm on steroids) will be executed against domestic terrorists aka militias, oath-keepers, other patriotic groups, alternative medias etc.. On that day, nation that was born on 4th July 1776 will die, in silence. Brother is set against brother, sister against sister, please, no federal paycheck is worth destroying this nation. You salary will soon become worthless, one way or another, as this nation will bankrupt, so if you are trigger happy set for one last charge, hunt please hunt down tose bankers, main-media whores, corporate leaches, corrupt politicians, globalist and Illuminati cabal. Those are your real enemy, please do not go against your brothers and sisters because this nation will need all the patriots to heal itself. Please stand down, it’s no to late.
Fear porn. Fear is better more than a bullet to the head. Let’s get out of the fear mode and start being men.
Did you check the news about people that came from Idaho aka 3 percents (militia)? I fought in several wars and saw much more on several continents, so IMHO fear is good and it makes open to all the signals coming from (combat) environment and there, dear CB arrogant ones with no 6th sense for trouble do not last so long as they do on this BIN board.