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Jeff Sessions Tells Pelosi To Expect Pedophile Investigations to Begin (Video)

Saturday, March 4, 2017 8:14
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(Before It's News)

What’s the biggest threat to American democracy right now? If you believe the mainstream media, it’s definitely that old Cold War boogeyman – the Russians. The ‘Russian connection accusation’ is the current weapon of the left and the deep state which they already used effectively against Michael Flynn, and now Attorney General Jeff Sessions has landed in their crosshairs. But what are the true motives behind this?

In the following video, Right Wing News looks at how the pervasive Russian connection accusations, which the dishonest media is single-mindedly focusing on is nothing but a smokescreen to cover up the true threat – high level pedophiles in Washington DC. President Trump, who has already cracked down on 1,500+ child sex offenders, intends to use Jeff Sessions as his own secret weapon against the DC pedophiles. No surprise then, about they are coming so hard after him.

Do you think President Trump will back down; or is it just not in his nature??? This fight has only just begun.



Your News Wire reports:

A former CIA agent has warned that the deep state is working overtime to oust Attorney General Jeff Sessions from the White House because he is refusing to back down in his campaign to break up the sex trafficking and pedophile networks that control Washington D.C.

According to Robert David Steele, Jeff Sessions is being set up as another “Russian fall guy“, just like General Flynn, to taint the Trump administration and push the president closer to impeachment.

But most importantly, Steele warns, the deep state is determined to remove the most determined anti-pedophile and -corruption enforcer the office of Attorney General has seen in decades.

The former CIA agent says that the Democrats push to remove Sessions from office, led by House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi, has “every chance of succeeding” because AG Sessions has made it clear he “will not back down” under any circumstances.

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Federal authorities have locked up more than 1,500 people on child trafficking and pedophilia charges since President Trump and AG Sessions assumed office, however the huge increase in numbers on recent years is being completely ignored by mainstream media.

According to the FBI there were less than 400 sex trafficking-related arrests made in the entirety of 2014, proving that Trump are Sessions are serious about using “the “full force and weight” of the U.S. government to break up child sex trafficking rings and lock up sexual predators.

In a hard-hitting video released late February, Robert David Steele claimed that President Trump is our best chance to take down the deep state since President Kennedy.

He also claimed that:

“White hat” intelligence community was able to stop Hillary from rigging the vote electronically like she did to Bernie


U.S. Intelligence Agencies Stopped a Silent Obama/Clinton Coup; Now You Are Needed

Silent Obama/Clinton Coup Stopped By U.S. Intelligence Agencies With Voter Help

To give people a rough idea of what Steele is talking about when he mentions the “white hats,” the following video is one of many videos in the above two links released by Steve Pieczenik in the weeks leading up to the 2016 election. The one below in particular came out just days prior to the 2016 election, and it explains how months earlier, a highly placed group within the “deep state” formed a “counter-coup” via unofficial channels, and they formed with the express purpose of preventing the Clinton’s from stealing the presidency, which the Clinton’s and their political machine almost did.

You are about to learn that many of the brave men and women within the FBI, CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, the military, and various other intelligence agencies, waged a counter coup in the weeks leading up to the 2016 election, with the assistance of Wikileaks, and they did so in a manner where the goal has always been to maintain the continuity of our republic, and to ensure a peaceful transition of power when the time came. 

For anyone not familiar with who Pieczenik is, he served as deputy assistant secretary of state under men such as Henry Kissinger and James Baker, so regardless of whether you believe what he is saying or not, don’t confuse him with being some right-wing “crazed conspiracy theorist” or something. 

When you consider all the news about the many ongoing conflicts between the White House and the intelligence community since Trump’s election, it certainly lends legitimacy to the words spoken by Pieczenik. furthermore, it’s become clear that two can play the same game, and it’s a game that is very dangerous if our republic intends to survive. 

Former CIA head John Brennan committed treason by telling lies intended to overturn the Electoral College

John Brennan, highest paid agent of Saudi Arabia, should be under FBI investigation

Reince Priebus is an enabler and cover-upper of pedophilia — Former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert is the tip of the iceberg

WikiLeaks is going to take down Priebus?

Pedophilia is an “elite privilege” — For the Democrats it’s an “acquired taste” — Podesta is a “pedo-light”

The Republicans and the elite in banking are the ones who have made pedophilia a “big league thing”

There are Saudi Arabian and Washington DC restaurants with basements where you can order children off of the menu

DC pedophilia is the Achilles heel, and Trump has figured that out

Flynn didn’t get fired because he called the Russians

Flynn got fired because he “had the arrogance to think” (sarcasm) that he could tell Mattis and Tillerson what to do

Flynn pissed off VP Pence

Flynn’s call that got him in trouble included a conversation about a list of high-level pedophiles inside the US, one of whom happens to be VP Mike Pence’s best friend

Flynn did not tell Pence about the list, or that his “best friend” was on it. Pence found out about this from the deep state (probably NSA taps)

The NSA has been spying on all of our politicians with impunity!

The CIA is leaking HIGHLY classified information as part of a political coup against Trump







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Total 9 comments
  • Voice of reason, you are another one putting out headlines with nothing to back it up. Nowhere in your entire video do you show Sessions even uttering a word, much less pedophilia. You come across as Bullshit disinfo.

  • With the debt ceiling crisis lurking Mid March, if it doesn’t get resolved between the Congress and Executive, the Executive is granted the power to allocate revenue appropriately. David Stockman asserts that Trump will keep SS, Medicare and Military going, but will have the power to severely cut back in other areas. Just think what power that can confer to the Executive Branch. Could be the stick to eliminate the CIA except for field offices, eliminate the patriot act, cut back on the NSA and State Dept, EPA, Education, financial aid to foreign governments, shut down Military bases around the world, put his own proxies into the Federal Reserve, possibly issue a new ‘American’ currency (precious metals backed), cutoff benefits to immigrants (illegal and those who refuse to work), claw back money taken from the Obama, Clinton and Bush administration’s illegal activities, and many other interesting things. I agree with your assertion that Trump seems to in a quiet mode right now and the only thing that makes sense is that he is waiting till mid March to use that platform to make major changes, where Congress is sent home and cannot govern. I think mid March is Trump’s ‘trump card’. Have your popcorn ready, it should be good theatre.

    • Damn Christopher. Good insight, I too am watching mid March, from a Bitcoin perspective. I did not think much about the allocating of the funds until you put in perspective here. Nice job. Spring and Summer going to be a wild ride for sure. I know it will not happen but, an audit of the Federal Reserve would be awesome indeed. Also All those entity’s you mentioned EPA, FBI, NSA, are private companies not owned by US govt. So the get money for nothing. Dammit man.Trump would not eliminate the Patriot Act because that is too useful of a tool, won’t ever happen. He could change the landscape of many things, but as to how much time will tell.

  • If after eight years of obama the former N.S.A. operative does not have enough imformation to make a intelligent decision between obama and Presitent Trump, then all I can say is he must be dumb as dirt! President Trump does not have a criminal history like the illegal president obama. Obama who every time his mouth moves he spews out lies, trader to America, hell bent on distroying it, wanted to drag us down to a third world statis, NWO, Muslim not Christian, false birth certificate, false S.S. #, involved in criminal conduct, impersonating a male, married to a transgender, adopted kids, building a coup against President Trump and America, rumored to be involved in Pizza gate, I could go on and on. President Trumps crime, draining the swamp and trying to make America great again. Rest my case.

    • ….what Josie said, but if you voted for a continuation/escalation of the above by voting hellary anyway,
      We won’t hold that against you.

      Mental disorders are a disease, not a crime. After all, we’re all a little crazy in our own way, but it’s not a competition, ok?

      Try to get with the programme.

  • For years I looked at those mysterious grapple marks and scars visible on obombas head……then I realised, the day he was born?….
    Apparently they couldn’t get him out of THERE, either. 😉

  • Boo

    I see you think this is the case. But no where do I see credible facts to back up your assertion. You can speculate but this only amounts to allegations.

    • This voice of reason puts out disinfo without any proof to back up his headlines. Without facts, it’s just more diarrhea of the mouth and does more harm than good.

  • When he played US Marshall Wyatt Earp in the newest version of the “Fight at the OK Corral”, Kurt Russell said those words so very well. If he was only a conservative and wanted these pedophile accusations, indictments, prosecutions, convictions and punishments, he would be the one to say these words. Most people will hold their breath and not speak anything as their Hollywood friends could be involved in these prosecutions for facilitating and conducting themselves such evil actions against children.

    European Royals and Vatican priests should be executed, their evil has gone so far to deserve it.

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