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Silver Price Forecast: Here’s Why Silver Prices Could Hit $30

Thursday, July 23, 2015 7:01
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(Before It's News)

Yes, silver prices have been plunging since 2011. But know this: demand for silver is booming while supply is shrinking. The grey metal is due for a big squeeze.

If You’re Not Watching Silver Prices, You’ll Hate Yourself Later

The nice thing about the grey metal is that, unlike gold, a substantial amount of demand comes from industries.

Silver has been a staple component in industries for many decades. Its outstanding electrical conductivity makes it a necessary component in a many electronic devices. Silver oxide batteries have also been gaining popularity. In addition, silver has a significant presence in the automotive industry, with more than 36 million ounces being used annually in automobiles. (Source: The Silver Institute, last accessed July 22, 2015.)

Continue Reading>> Silver Price Forecast: Here’s Why Silver Prices Could Hit $30

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