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Alert: Governor Comes Forward, Drops Bombshell About What Obama Is Doing With “Refugees”

Wednesday, December 16, 2015 8:35
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This is crazy. Instead of working with the state administrations, Obama is being his usual shady self and has chosen to work with non-governmental organizations to get refugees into states, and won’t even inform the state of the refugees they are placing. Since when does Obama believe in using private ANYTHING? The guy is big government, all the time, except when he’s breaking the law, and can’t leave a paper trail. This is absolutely maddening! 

Obama Smuggling Refugees




Conservative Tribune Writes:

Once again, the “most transparent administration in history” has proven itself to be the exact opposite of what it claims.

This time, the opaqueness of the Obama administration was in regard to its effort to import tens of thousands of refugees from war-torn jihadist hotbeds like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan.

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory, a Republican, joined Fox News host Bill O’Reilly on Monday to discuss the issue of Syrian refugees, among other things, and revealed that the Obama administration has kept his state out of the loop regarding who will be resettled there.

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“We’re not even told by the president,” McCrory said. “I think the most misinformation is that the federal government and Homeland Security and the president tell each governor when these Syrian refugees come to our state. We have no communication whatsoever on when they come, where they go, who they are.”

Obama Not Telling Govs About Refugees (NC)



In the video below, Chris Christie was on with Bill O’Reilly and said the exact same thing as North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory. Hmmmm. How many Democrat governors do you think this is happening to? In both go these examples, it shows how how the Obama administration is putting Syrian refugees in states without even notifying state officials they are there. Christie said they’ve already place 75 in New Jersey and they weren’t even notified. 

Obama Not Telling Govs About Refugee (NJ)



“And that’s what our major objection is,” he explained. “Our local homeland security people, who are the ones that have to respond to any emergency, are not in the communication loop with the the president of the United States.”

This is simply frightening, as it shows that the Obama administration doesn’t trust or even inform America’s governors about things that are certainly in their purview as the duly elected leaders of their state, such as potential jihadists being brought into their states by the federal government.

We already knew that the federal vetting process for refugees and immigrants is sorely lacking. Now the administration is making it difficult, if not impossible, for the states to pick up the slack and close the information gap left by the inadequate half-measures of the feds.



To make matters worse, as if it’s not bad enough the governors have no idea who is running around within their state, one thing not being talked about is WHERE within the states Obama is putting all his future democrats, or illegal voters, whatever you want to call them. I’d bet the farm the same guy who never left his side during the illegal executive amnesty talks, Luis Gutierrez, also the head of HUD Housing, has been a busy little bee establishing new housing in voting districts that have traditionally gone to the GOP, with the intent of tipping the demographic voting scale once and for all. I’ve said it many times, 2016 is the one and the ONLY chance the GOP has to win the White House and save this county. If the GOP doesn’t take the White House in 2016, the system will be SO rigged by the next election it won’t even matter. Of course, all this assume Obama has the intention of leaving on time, and I’m still not so sure he does, which you’ll see below. . 

First in the following video, you will see what appears to be human trafficking of some kind, only the person recording says they have an F.B.I. escort, so you do the math. The video comes from a post I did just before Thanksgiving titled, False Flag Alert! Obama Caught Smuggling in Refugees on UPS Planes? (Video). Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Obama is CONSTANTLY doing things that are not legal, that if I did have my doubts about these being Syrian refugees, after hearing from the governors about what is happening in their states, all doubt is removed. The video demonstrates right before your eyes a viable method that the refugees could be using to sneak into states past the governors, and we KNOW they ARE! There is no IF about it. 

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Refugee Smuggling Video



Finally, I’ve also included the video and a link to my post discussing the VERY real possibility that Obama is not planning on leaving the White House. In both the video and the post titled, Proof Obama is Not Leaving Office – Third Term Is Unfolding Right Before You, I give you concrete facts that no reasonable objective person would view as a person getting ready to vacate the White House. The facts would suggest the farthest thing in the world from leaving. Why would the Pentagon Say They Are Preparing For Huge Civil Unrest in U.S. (Videos)? What do they know? You might also want to consider how many states have Called in National Guard to Block Obama’s Syrian Refugees. That could EASILY lead to Martial Law, and then the current White House tenant remains a tenant, except he puts a crown on his head. I don’t consider either of those in my video, but both equally possible. 



Obama is Going for a THIRD Term




Please share this on Facebook and Twitter to help spread the word that Obama is deliberately keeping states out of the loop when it comes to the resettlement of potentially dangerous Syrian refugees.

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The Last Great Stand

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Total 15 comments
  • It now seems that all of the elections around the world are rigged in favor of the ‘liberal’ elite, the agenda rolls on……


    • anti that the truth . i still cant believe the dumb azz voted the liberals in power in my country .

  • Catholic Charities is the complicit, non-profit, religious Federal government contractor current selected for these “refugee” relocations.

    • Exactly! All Attention Is On OBAMA, but who is guiding him? We never hear anything BAD about Joe Biden,his JESUIT Puppet Master………….notice how everyone has forgotten the “Red Line” in Syria, more WMD/Chemical hoax like Iraq, but then suddenly “ISIL /ISIS / Daesh” appears……….

      Who PLANNED the 100 000 rebel army to oust Assads Govt?

      A JESUIT Knight Commander, Lord Richards of HERSTMONCEAUX……. a British NATO commander, involved in the Balkans, Siera Leone,Nigeria,Libya, Iraq,Afghan debacles, & currently CEO of IISS……..
      This was in 2010, & it was the RAF that bombed Guddafi in Libya……….
      Hey USA! Your CIA was originally the OSS, controlled by the UK. Even BUSH Jr told u the Middle East was a CRUSADE………..Rothschild is a Knight of Malta,supported ZIONism, & with his little British Empire Builder, RHODES, monopolised Sth African Diamonds. Look at your leaders that were given A RHODES Scholarship at OXFORD………Defenders of the Faith…….
      Rupert Murdoch (although claims Jewish), is a Knight of St GREGORY, awarded by the POPE!

      • “ISIL /ISIS / Daesh”

        Does anyone else ponder an enemy whose name is ever changing?

  • VOLOCs like Catholic Charities receive more than $2,500 in Federal money per refugee, of which they must spend $600 to assist each refugee. It’s a great scam.

  • More than likely he is sending them to the same cities where they shipped anthrax the end of May! Welcome to the last days greatest fraud in the history of mankind been perpetrated against the greatest nation this world has ever seen.


    Remember, obama wama studied Constitutional Law not to uphold the law of the land but to defeat and undermine it. His purposes are far more sinister than you imagine! This man is one of the beasts of revelation and many have called him the anti-Christ though I give that dishonor to mr. Jorge Bergoglio, aka pope francis (he ain’t a Christ)! Please note well that beast obama is the final president of the United States. His time is short and he will fail miserably taking his minions straight to hell with him. Look around you now, because this nation, indeed civilization, as you know it goes no further. All that you see about to fall away and be replaced by HIS GLORIOUS KINGDOM. Go to YT or FB Godshealer7 and study the words of HIS messengers to make yourself fit to be in HIS remnant, that portion of humanity which will inherit this planet.

  • Keep your guns loaded and at your side all the times .

  • If people cannot see that the liberal left, who support this traitor, are Satan supporter’s then America and the free world are lost! Why else would people intentionally support cutting off the tree branch they are sitting on?
    They have a hidden deal with someone and it isn’t our Creator!
    While we try to plug the leaks in this sinking ship, Bozo is in the bilge, wearing an aqua-lung, drilling holes in the hull! Is it not time for our military to take the White House and bring some sanity to to our world?
    We-the-People have been successfully divided and have become weak.

  • The people of the United States does not realize that Our Constitution , not the fake one they are using , tells us that our power trumps the states and the Feds powers . Should our states not stand up for us against this tyrant then it is up to the people to call forth an army to deal with those of treason ( THE United States Constitution ) . Next year they are planning an attack on our power grid . Possibly with an EMP . Food will become scarce , phones will not work and vehicals will stop in their tracks . If this happens then the Muslim compounds with automatic weapons and missiles will spring forth and join in with the radical refugees this nut Muslim is bringing into America . I had a state trooper tell me he reported them to the government . They said leave them alone . Not to mention the generals and the nuke button pushers he has changed out too , will probably be dropping bombs on your heads . This man thinks he is their Mahdi . His white house , excuse me rainbow tweeter account has him setting in a stupid looking chair with a crown in his hand setting behind a table with a crossbow in between him and the camera man . Then remember the curtain that was made to make him look like he had horns ? How stupid was that ? Then 2009 he assured the Muslims in Egypt that now America is on their side and their servants . Really ? He has 30,000 guillotines ordered to have American citizens heads removed . Remember he swore on his Koran and not our Bible . His Koran tells him to kill you because you won’t worship his black rock in Mecca . He is bring in extremeist to help him create Marshall law . Then with executives orders ( which are treason as stated by the Constitution ) he has typed up he becomes a Muslim dictator who will begin removing Americans heads . It’s time to wake up !!!

  • Why are you complaining. We know enough about the negro that he is illegal and does not even belong there. It is like leaving a pedophile to babysit your children.

    Do you think someone wanted a sodomite to screw America?? Same thing, huh?

  • If and when this happens there will be another war and a war like no one has ever seen and Obama knows this… It is my prayer there will be an intervention to stop the madness coming from the demoncrat party…

  • Matters not, The zio-fags are in control (govern).

  • He is flooding our country with our enemies! What are you going to do!

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